I’m finding that if I don’t import React in the same place where I import render from react-dom, calls to render fail with the complaint that React isn’t defined.
My imports look like this:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import React from 'react'; import App from '../../ui/components/App.jsx';
I think the Using Blaze with React section should be renamed to Using React Components in Blaze and that we should have a corresponding Using Blaze Templates in React. Or something along those lines.
Both are for Meteor 1.2 and have hard dependencies on meteor-react. The former involves first converting the template in JS, and then using the newly created Component directly, whereas I preferred to have a single step and be clear that I’m using a Blaze component. I did however offer the same ability in case package authors wanted to use it. For the component syntax, I tried to keep it short and similar to react-template-helper.
I’m happy to do a PR for this if there’s a consensus around the approach, and/or open a separate topic for further discussion. I’m also happy to ‘donate’ the code to the Meteor namespace; I’m not too interested in maintaining another package, just felt it import to have something that works well straight away with 1.3.
I think it could be worth opening a new discussion to decide which package for this is the best to recommend! I agree that having this section would be awesome!
I would love to see a howto on Redux and Meteor. Specifically:
How to import reactive data into Redux state and keep it up-to-date
How to differentiate between local and non-local changes
How to subscribe/unsubscribe based on the application state
Essentially, I’d like to see how we can use Redux as the single source of truth for our apps, while still benefitting from Meteor’s Mongo proxy and reactivity.
I’m new to meteor and created a first “test” application in version 1.2.1 and react.
I had a lot of fun with it because meteor supplied me almost everything I need to jump in very quick and also with great tutorials.
Now with Meteor 1.3, I got the feeling that everything is so overloaded and complicated.
What type of router should I use? What is the best way to receive my mongo data-collections? In addition (just my issue) is, that I have to learn how ECMA 2015 works with modules.
For so many breaking changes, it would be nice to have either a well structured turorial or even better a video turorial.
Don’t understand me wrong: You probably made a great job, but for beginners there want to work with meteor are to many changes and to many packages out. Maybe this is a general problem in JavaScript too…
It would be cool if the guide had more examples of containers. It’s taking a lot of experimenting to figure out what I can and cannot do in terms of props, propTypes, defaultProps, contextTypes, getChildContext, state, initial state etc. Especially when you have deeply nested components.
I also agree with @rdagger to have more explanation on what createContainer can do. Maybe a more extensible guide on manage mutating variables when using React and Meteor. Because now it’s confusing whether you will use React’s this.state or Meteor’s ReactiveVar and ReactiveDict.