I’ve never done aggregations before, and I need some help. I’m planning to use the meteorhacks:aggregations package. I have a collection of Regions (5 in total), and each region has a lot of snow_load_factors. Following is some truncated code from my insert file.
Regions.insert({name: "My Region #1",
snow_load_factors: {
levels: [
{ year: new Date(1941,0,1), roof: 'standard', importance: 'all', pitch: 0, factor: 1.92 },
... factors for every 5 degrees of pitch ...
{ year: new Date(1941,0,1), roof: 'standard', importance: 'all', pitch: 90, factor: 0.00 },
{ year: new Date(1941,0,1), roof: 'slippery', importance: 'all', pitch: 0, factor: 1.92 },
... factors for every 5 degrees of pitch ...
{ year: new Date(1941,0,1), roof: 'slippery', importance: 'all', pitch: 90, factor: 0.00 },
{ year: new Date(1953,0,1), roof: 'standard', importance: 'all', pitch: 0, factor: 1.92 },
... factors for every 5 degrees of pitch ...
{ year: new Date(1953,0,1), roof: 'standard', importance: 'all', pitch: 90, factor: 0.00 },
{ year: new Date(1953,0,1), roof: 'slippery', importance: 'all', pitch: 0, factor: 1.92 },
... factors for every 5 degrees of pitch ...
{ year: new Date(1953,0,1), roof: 'slippery', importance: 'all', pitch: 90, factor: 0.00 },
I need to know the min, max and mean (average) of the factors in a region, grouped by roof and pitch
I know the final result won’t look like the following array, but it shows what I need:
My Region #1 slippery and 0: {min: 0.00, max: 1.92, avg: 0.82},
My Region #1 slippery and 5: {min: 0.00, max: 1.90, avg: 1.43},
My Region #1 standard and 0: {min: 0.00, max: 1.92, avg: 0.82},
My Region #1 standard and 5: {min: 0.00, max: 1.90, avg: 1.43},
My Region #2 slippery and 0: {min: 0.00, max: 1.89, avg: 0.82},
My Region #2 slippery and 5: {min: 0.00, max: 1.70, avg: 1.36},
My Region #2 standard and 0: {min: 0.00, max: 1.88, avg: 0.81},
My Region #2 standard and 5: {min: 0.00, max: 1.23, avg: 0.65},