Angular style declarative Blaze html events

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been sorely missing being able to hook into an event from my template like in angular

<button ng-click='{{doSomething(this)}}'/>
function doSomething(context) {
    var stuff = context.stuff;  // <-- got it

With blaze, we have to do this:

<button id='uniqueElem' data-id='...' />
'click #uniqueElem': function (e, t) {
    var id = $('parameters');
    var stuff = db.collection.findOne(id); // <-- got it

Secretly, I think this is why everyone is moving to react.

But I found a package that is moving in the right direction:

which allows me to do this:

<button onclick="{{doSomething}}" data-id='...'>

'doSomething': function (e,t) {
    var id = $('parameters');
    var stuff = db.collection.findOne(id); // <-- got it
// and hopefully soon, this
<button onclick="{{doSomething id}}">

'doSomething': function (e,t, id) {
    var stuff = db.collection.findOne(id); // <-- got it

Does anyone get as excited as I do when reading the above? How do you guys do it?



Guys, this s**t is cool. Writing blaze angular style is now possible. If you haven’t migrated to react yet, this is a awesome little package to clean up your html/js:

.btn.btn-default(onclick="doSomething currentUser 'foo'") Click me // <-- did I just pass in a object, global template helper, static string?

    'doSomething': function(event, template, id, user, paramX) {
        // did I just declaratively CALL a function with onClick and PASS parameters into it from the template?
        // That was a rhetorical question, don't answer it. ;)

It works, check it out!