Any recommendations for agencies / developers with Meteor experience?


We’re looking for someone that could help our small team, on a ad-hoc basis, sometimes when needed. This could include coaching, work on code performance improvements, new features, when we’re blocked on something, etc. We’re using meteor@2.9.1 with React.

Ideally, the person would also be able to help when we’ve got emergencies like outages (which is very rare). We’re hosting on AWS using dockers on EC2 instances.

We’re based in Montreal, Canada. We’d prefer someone in Canada but the profile of the person is more important.

Hi, my company can help you.

We have a lot of experience with Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, AWS, etc. And also a lot of experience with Meteor :slight_smile:

Check the Case Studies in our website.

Hi Felipe,

thanks a lot. We’ll reach out to you soon. We wanted to test the interest for such a role. We’ll first prepare a project and then when we’re ready we’ll contact you and the others who’ve contacted us in private.

I do appreciate your interest!

Best regards,


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