Automatically increment order numbers

You have a race condition between your (non-async) after hook and your async before hook. You may be able to fix this by making the after hook async as well. I don’t use collection hooks, so haven’t investigated this behaviour.

I would like to create _id with auto-increment/nextSeq.
(by above example I create nextSeq function and call it in before collection hook)
Please advise for other solution!

Hey @robfallows, have you noticed that when you nest async functions potential errors get swallowed when only the outermost one is wrapped in try/catch? That is a caveat when compared to the .then.catch syntax don’t you think?

I think it’s just something to be aware of. It’s just JavaScript silently swallowing errors, as it will do with evaluating any Promise if you don’t include a .catch. Syntactically, I think async/await makes for code that’s easier to read, even if you have to pass exceptions back up - something that I’ve rarely needed to do.