Benchmark OSX vs. Windows?

@rhywden: Sorry, dude, but I have to call bullshit on that. VSCode, Sublime, Atom, Webstorm are definitely not 2nd class citizens on Windows.

Not to mention that the Gorilla in the room (Visual Studio) doesn’t even exist on Mac and Linux.

Sorry dude, but I have to call bullshit on your calling bullshit:

Microsoft announces Visual Studio for Mac

Oh, and look! It’s available right now, this second, for Windows, Mac, & Linux:

That gorilla is more like a pet monkey, and he’s very friendly… especially if you install Bash on your Windows 10 environment and have native Ubuntu Linux on the command line :wink:

I personally run all 3 platforms, all the time. Can’t we all just get along? Just sayin…

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That’s not the “true” VisualStudio, that’s a rebranded XamarinStudio (which was available on Mac for the longest time). You won’t be able to do any kind of Node development in VS for Mac.

And your second link points to Visual Studio Code which is not Visual Studio.

Please try again.

I guess Microsoft bought it because it’s complete crap. I know that’s how I make my own purchasing decisions.

It sounds like you are only willing to accept the One True OS & One True Development Toolset. Go with your bad self.

I personally use all 3, & I find each of them have their merits & uses.

Very poor attempt at trolling.

Would it be reasonable to lock this thread? It’s gone very far off the original topic of benchmarking performance.


Please do so. (20 chars limit. Thanks :floppy_disk: :horse: )