I’m just following the official docs for meteor react and trying to get some npm packages going (react-jade). However, changes which cause meteor to rerun basically locks up one of my cores and causes the console to become unresponsive for minutes at a time. I noticed that if I added these packages:
meteor would auto build and get stuck on ‘Build application’ for a very long time…
Anyone else getting this?
Having had a weekend of uphill battles + I don’t think webstorm supports jade in jsx makes me hesitate to migrate now.
I’m surprised I was able to reproduce this with my hobby project just by adding a couple of packages, couldn’t share the work one. I’m thinking it’s probably environment related. Running Win 8.1 Pro, 64bit. Thanks for taking a look!
To add to the fun I replicated this on my Ubuntu VM (14.04 64-bit) (@mordrax I cloned your hobby project) . “Top” indicated node was eating all the CPU. Interestingly, CTRL-C failed to kill the process and I had to resort to kill -9.
Edit: I started removing and replacing packages to see which package, if any, was responsible. Removing cosmos:browserify allows the build to run normally (although the app fails to run, obviously).
Hey, I don’t know if this is the actual issue, but I don’t think react-jade is actually intended to be used on the client. It looks like it is meant to be used as a browserify transform.
Unfortunately, currently there is not a good solution for using browserify to transform files in a Meteor app (only for loading stuff from an NPM package).
Yeah that sounds perfect. If you have any questions or run into issues along the way, I’d love to help. Eventually, I’d want to write a tutorial on making build plugins. It’s not terribly hard, and unlocks a lot of value for Meteor.
Just chipping in to say I’ve got this problem too on a totally unrelated project (not React or Jade or JSX or anything). I can build a small package with cosmos-browserify, but if I try to build a package that depends on that package then the build locks up for about a minute or two and I have to kill -9. Removing cosmos-browserify also avoids the problem but obviously fails to build.
Pretty sure it’s a browserify issue, but it’s hard to know where.
I’ve had a lot of issues with it lately. Have you tried Meteor 1.2 RC and the beta of browserify? I know they just released some new stuff for both that are not officially released.
I’ve switched over to webpack-meteor but that’s not exactly turn key with the ES6 modules.
While processing files with templating (for target web.browser):
apps/apk/bundle/programs/web.browser/head.html:1: Expected one of: , ,
While processing files with ecmascript (for target os.linux.x86_32):
setter should have exactly one param (9:27)
Invalid number (1:1)
Invalid number (1:0)
Invalid number (1:0)
Invalid number (1:1)