I’ve been having this issue for a couple of days since I’ve remember upgrading meteor to 1.7,i tried Delete .meteor/local/db , i tried meteor reset , i tried to delete node_modules , but the problem won’t be fixed
any help please
what i mean that I reinstalled my windows 10
no i am not running my own MongoDB server, i tried to do it when I was desperate to fix the problem
, and the software of my developpment envirment like webstorm , mongodb compass and git
so what should i do ?
To start with a different app template, try one of the following:
meteor create --bare # to create an empty app
meteor create --minimal # to create an app with as few Meteor packages as possible
meteor create --full # to create a more complete scaffolded app
E:\Personnal folders\test>cd test-projet
E:\Personnal folders\test\test-projet>meteor npm i
up to date in 5.73s
[+] no known vulnerabilities found [602 packages audited]
Thaanks, yes I had the same error when running my created app after installing Meteor on a fresh machine using Chocolatey. I was unable to resolve the issue.
I then uninstalled Meteor via Chololatey then used this installer. Meteor installed, created an app the app now runs. Finally, wow!
Did you follow the chocolatey installation process carefully (it’s not always clear)?
Using the old installer is going to limit what you are able to do with Meteor: it installs 32-bit versions of Meteor and MongoDB. With MongoDB in particular, that restricts you to v3.2 (in development mode). That means if you need features in newer versions of MongoDB, you will also have to install MongoDB yourself for development. For oplog-enabled MongoDB (replica sets), that’s not trivial if you’ve never done it before.