Collection._ensureIndex creating several indexes?

I’m trying to understand my database indexing. When starting, my server runs:

    _id: 1,
    owner_id: 1,
    ts: 1,
    likesCount: 1,
    repostsCount: 1,
    published: 1,
    isPrivate: 1,
    readyToPlay: 1,
    order: 1,
    favoritesCount: 1,
    deleted: 1,
    isSlice: 1,
      name: 'videoIndex',

When I connect to my mongo shell and run db.videos.getIndexes() I get:

    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1
    "name" : "_id_",
    "ns" : "pie.videos"
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "isPrivate" : 1,
      "readyToPlay" : 1,
      "order" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1_published_1_isPrivate_1_readyToPlay_1_order_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "isPrivate" : 1,
      "readyToPlay" : 1,
      "order" : 1,
      "featuredScore" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1_published_1_isPrivate_1_readyToPlay_1_order_1_featuredScore_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "processingComplete" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1_published_1_processingComplete_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "readyToPlay" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1_published_1_readyToPlay_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "readyToPlay" : 1,
      "order" : 1
    "name" : "_id_1_owner_id_1_ts_1_likesCount_1_repostsCount_1_published_1_readyToPlay_1_order_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1
    "name" : "owner_id_1_ts_1",
    "ns" : "pie.videos",
    "background" : true
    "v" : 1,
    "key" : {
      "_id" : 1,
      "owner_id" : 1,
      "ts" : 1,
      "likesCount" : 1,
      "repostsCount" : 1,
      "published" : 1,
      "isPrivate" : 1,
      "readyToPlay" : 1,
      "order" : 1,
      "featuredScore" : 1,
      "deleted" : 1
    "name" : "videoIndex",
    "ns" : "pie.videos"

I’m trying to understand what that means. I was expecting an index per field I’m asking for, but I’m getting a number of indexes that each concerns a group of fields. I’m not sure why that is.

I’ve sometimes changed the fields I’m asking for in _ensureIndex so I’m wondering if each time I changed that this added a new group, or if this is the expected form of my index, and if so what that means exactly.

Hmm, this looks wrong. Unless you’re actually making find calls like this:

  _id: 'abc',
  owner_id: 'abc',
  ts: '?',
  likesCount: { $gt: 10 },
  repostsCount: { $gt: 20 },
  // etc

What you’ve done is made a compound index that’s optimized when searching the database for one or more of those fields (in that order). This is probably not what you want.

This is recommended reading.

A good rule of thumb for making indices is, you’ll typically want one for each frequently-used query. So if you’re doing this a lot:

const vids = Videos.find({ owner_id: someString });


const vids = Videos.find({ owner_id: someString, likesCount: { $gt: 0 } });

Then you’ll want to make a compound index that will cover both queries:

Videos._ensureIndex({ owner_id: 1, likesCount: 1 });

Also, get Compass, it makes things like indices a lot easier to read.


I’m only indexing fields that are used somewhere in selections or sorts. However they might not be all used at the same time. Should I do things differently? I’ll try compass

Yes, hit the “recommended reading” link above, grab a coffee, and block out at least 30-45 mins of your time. :slight_smile: I learned a lot by going through those docs on indices.

Compound indexes cover the compound as well as individual / partial compound queries,

You can try making a compound index and one with partial/single field that is in the compound index, the query will still hit the compound index coverage, not the single

Thanks! Yeah it’s very different from MYSQL that I knew better. Coffee was worth it :slight_smile:

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I came from a PHP/MySQL background too, so getting into Node.js and MongoDB was a bit of a shock! :wink: