CSP requires the hash of the meteor_runtime_config to be included in csp policies.
I prepare the hash like this, as described in the Meteor docs:
// Prepare runtime config for generating the sha256 hash
// It is important, that the hash meets exactly the hash of the
// script in the client bundle.
// Otherwise the app would not be able to start, since the runtimeConfigScript
// is rejected __meteor_runtime_config__ is not available, causing
// a cascade of follow-up errors.
const runtimeConfig = Object.assign(__meteor_runtime_config__, Autoupdate, {
// the following lines may depend on, whether you called Accounts.config
// and whether your Meteor app is a "newer" version
accountsConfigCalled: true,
isModern: true
// add client versions to __meteor_runtime_config__
Object.keys(WebApp.clientPrograms).forEach(arch => {
__meteor_runtime_config__.versions[arch] = {
version: Autoupdate.autoupdateVersion || WebApp.clientPrograms[arch].version(),
versionRefreshable: Autoupdate.autoupdateVersion || WebApp.clientPrograms[arch].versionRefreshable(),
versionNonRefreshable: Autoupdate.autoupdateVersion || WebApp.clientPrograms[arch].versionNonRefreshable(),
// comment the following line if you use Meteor < 2.0
versionReplaceable: Autoupdate.autoupdateVersion || WebApp.clientPrograms[arch].versionReplaceable()
const runtimeConfigScript = `__meteor_runtime_config__ = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent("${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(runtimeConfig))}"))`
const runtimeConfigHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(runtimeConfigScript).digest('base64')
const helmetOptions = {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
contentSecurityPolicy: {
blockAllMixedContent: true,
directives: {
reportUri: '/report-violation',
defaultSrc: [self],
scriptSrc: [
// Remove / comment out unsafeEval if you do not use dynamic imports
// to tighten security. However, if you use dynamic imports this line
// must be kept in order to make them work.
// unsafeInline,
// strictDynamic,
Up until yesterday I was successfully deploying to production.
For some reason as of today, I have the wrong hash:
Uncaught ReferenceError: meteor_runtime_config is not defined
at 49243b6c229d7a94e9dd57ae7b1b37cacdcba46a.js?meteor_js_resource=true:3:116
at 49243b6c229d7a94e9dd57ae7b1b37cacdcba46a.js?meteor_js_resource=true:3:407
at r (49243b6c229d7a94e9dd57ae7b1b37cacdcba46a.js?meteor_js_resource=true:1:891)
at Object.t [as queue] (49243b6c229d7a94e9dd57ae7b1b37cacdcba46a.js?meteor_js_resource=true:1:814)
at 49243b6c229d7a94e9dd57ae7b1b37cacdcba46a.js?meteor_js_resource=true:3:25
My site is deployed on Galaxy. I’m using Meteor 3.0.1, and have also tried with Meteor 3.1.1.
Am I generating the hash incorrectly?