CONVERSATION: In place of LiveQuery, how should Meteor build webserver tier subscriptions (i.e. for GraphQL/Relay)?

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

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@faceyspacey I appreciate what you bring to the conversation. I think it’s wrong that some people are being judgemental and taking your writing style personally when you are obviously spending your unpaid time and efforts to get to the bottom of things. I like reading through the possibilities you outline, and how you generally conclude with your strongest argument. I do think though that more people would actually read your thoughts if they were indeed more condensed. But who cares! We aren’t paying you to write for us!

I also want to add that @sashko you always handle things so well and are a great presence on these forums.


I was wondering if it is possible to use event hooks in order to update data. In Postgres, there is event triggers that will fire. Would this make it possible to integrate postgres?

What if this was used to find all connected clients to this document and broadcast the change?

For me it’s amazing how differently something reads after you’ve heard the author talk. Have a listen of this to hear just how enthusiastic @faceyspacey is about all of this:


Just wondering: what do you think about deepstream?
I haven’t really looked into it, but I like the way you can plug in different storing and caching layers.

I don’t remember much now, but at the time I looked at it, it was relying on Redis to have any real-timeness. I didn’t notice anything different from what already do. Here is my HN comment from the thread:

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