Cordova app (Android) not reloading after hot code push with deployed app

This is all amazingly helpful to know, and I agree with @skirunman it should be documented as a breaking change. I have thousands of cordova clients out on Meteor 1.2 and I’m very concerned - you know how lax people are with updating their apps via their appstore. It keeps me up at night worrying about having to support ancient client versions.

How can I reliably show some kind of ‘Upgrade via App Store Please’ dialog to older clients?

Also, I just want to confirm - would hot pushes stop ENTIRELY for Meteor 1.2 clients? So for example when my server is on 1.3, a 1.2 cordova client which is many pushes behind would be stuck there, and not be updated to the latest 1.2 code?

Compulsory polite and supportive notice: Despite frustration at this issue, thanks for the great work MDG! :grinning:

@denisbabineau thank you for creating the ticket, I somehow didn’t get updates to this forum post.

where is the documentation for AUTOUPDATE_VERSION? I didn’t even know this existed. the suggested from @martijnwalraven seems like that would work, however need to see the documentation/code on this to see how to implement.

found some basic docs referring to AUTOUPDATE_VERSION in the internal autoupdate package. I tried digging around a little - autoupdate override happens [cordova/builder.js] but the cordovaCompatibillityVersion looks like it’s getting set in isobuild/bundler.js as a hash of all package versions and the cordova version.

It looks like if you wanted to override, i thiiink you’d be able to by change const hash in bundler.js to below - might give this a shot later myself…

const hash = process.env.CORDOVA_COMP_VERS || WebAppHashing.calculateCordovaCompatibilityHash(
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Hot code push not working on iPhone
So I have the app working perfectly on version Meteor 1.2.2-faster-rebuilds.0 - Hot code push working on both android and ios . Before submitting the app to the stores , decided to take advantage of the latest meteor and ported the app. Should admit , migration was Smooth! But the hot code refresh does not work .

To keep things simple all i do is copy the entire meter project folder on to the server ( ubuntu 14.04 on google compute engine )and then run it on server with the root_url , mongo url , set up with the --mobile-server option . App built on my local dev machine ( mac) connects to the server just fine and any client updates get refreshed - Worked flawlessly with 1.2.2 With 1.4…1.1 latest build the same does not work … hot code push is not working…

What are the steps to debug hot code push ? information to debug seems to be scattered in multiple threads … is there a single doc or can someone help me with debugging this ?
Thanks very much

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