Fibers and meteor-promise npm pacakge

Ok, sweet that helps a lot. One of the issues I was running into was that I was trying to dev this through a script in the meteor shell. But I don’t think that can ever work… I’m guessing the REPL will just execute every line of code and doesn’t execute in a Fiber context the same exact way server-side code does.

And if its not too much trouble I have one more question in case you happen to know the answer!

I’m not sure how to get the value returned within the thenable.

When I do:
x = Promise.resolve(promise).await()

then x isn’t actually the returned value.

If I do:
x = Promise.resolve(aPromise)

It works but I get this weird object back… _86 does contain the data I want but clearly I must be doing something not quite right.

{ _41: 1,
   { mimetype: 'image/png',
     uploaded: 1431948138846.958,
     container: 'fp-documentation-assets',
     writeable: true,
     filename: 'fp_robot.png',
     location: 'S3',
     key: 'yyKTJV8rSYeSJaeJ5agn_fp_robot.png',
     path: 'yyKTJV8rSYeSJaeJ5agn_fp_robot.png',
     size: 175210,
     url: '' },
  _17: null }

or maybe @benjamn you know what is happening here?

So we have an official package accompanied with zero documentation. Not easy to get unstuck if you can not even reach the point where you get stuck.
How about some examples with both client and server code that explains how this is supposed to work? Does it work or is it still… stuck?