Grapher - Collection Relationship Manager + GraphQL Like Data Fetcher

Updated to 1.2.7_2

  • Some bug fixes & security improvements

@klabauter nice!


Sorry for not contributing so much in the past months. Priorities shifted, redis-oplog had to be completed and brought to a prod-ready state, we had to deal with so many other projects.

Please read this ticket:

Thank you all for the support! If someone doesnā€™t have the time and wants to contribute can message me.

Anybody here using Grapher together with React and could provide me with some code samples?
I am really having troubles to figure out a proper way to use React Component props in $filters of createQuery() and all that.
Am I correct that Grapher can indeed properly used for queries needed to be reactive? I need reactive queries but would love to use Grapher to ā€œpopulateā€ my queries.

Did you check-out the boilerplate ? Itā€™s written with React. And yes, you can use it fro reactive-queries, we have created an additional grapher-react package that offeers seemless integration.

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I did have a look into your grapher-react package, but I didnā€™t know there was a boilerplate. Thank you for your quick reply, Iā€™ll check out the boilerplate and go from there.

This is a very interesting framework! it will solve ton of problems, but I have some questions:

1- regarding the numbers you mentioned about performance, is there any benchmarking that shows this?

2- I just scratched the surface reading a bit of the docs and reading in this thread, but, for Meteor+blaze mindset, I canā€™t see any Method declarations! and I think you already abstracted sub/pub using the querying mechanism, did you also abstracted Meteor Methods mechanism?
my question is, is there any documented mapping those concepts out, Meteor original concepts => grapher implementation? it would be helpful to briefly explain what happens behind the scene.
3- you talked about tutorials, is there any tutorials for Grapher + Blaze?


Sorry for delay.

  1. Nope, but 40x was for a 5 level graph, for 10 level itā€™s exponentially more. You can disable hypernova, I just did these benchmarks in the beginning.
  2. You can use grapher in your methods if itā€™s more familiar. Did you look at the guide fully ? Itā€™s frontend agnostic.
  3. Not yet, sorry, other priorities arose :frowning:

Thanks, Hope Grapher will gain more attraction, I can see it is very innovative

Thank you @ahmad . Our company is using it in every project, and itā€™s just great, it solves the linking issue between collections and easily fetch them.

Has any example with Vue JS?

@theara , if you know how to use a call with a callback:

query = createQuery({ users: {} });
query.fetch((err, res) => { ... })

And inside that callback you do something vue related, it just works.

You can also use:
await query.fetchSync()

^ inside an async function, ofcourse

And if you want it reactive, this should do it:

Grapher is UI Agnostic. It only has some tools for React, but feel free to build your own tools with it!

A very important thing to mention here is that grapher is also language agnostic:

  • You can in Meteor create a server-side route, that accepts a json object and return a json object.
  • You can do these kind of requests in any language:
// php sample

$body = [
     "users" => [
             "profile" => 1,               

$client->post('http://mybox/grapher',  ['body' => $body])

Use any authorization layer you wish. API Keys.

Updated to 1.2.8

We have made some very small fixes for some issues, but the biggest achievement is full support for simpl-schema projects. Works with both versions out of the box, you donā€™t need to worry about it :slight_smile:

Internally we still use simple-schema package (old version) for validating configurations, but that wonā€™t affect your code-base.

Grapher is continuing to be a very reliable tool for many projects. Thanks for the support so far, weā€™ll keep this thread updated.



@ahmad @theara
If you know how to use Blaze/Vue with Collection.find().fetch(), you know how to use Grapher :stuck_out_tongue: The only thing with Blaze is that Templates wonā€™t automatically unsubscribe to queries, so you have to do it yourself in Template.onDestroyed().

In regards to Vue, Grapher uses Meteorā€™s reactivity, so if you call query.fetch() inside a vue-meteor-tracker helper (just like you need to do with regular Collection.find().fetch()), you will get reactivity.

I wrote a Vue mixin to give me the same template subscription handling that Blaze has. I might make it a package if anyone is interested, or just paste the code, itā€™s not very long.


Iā€™d be interested in seeing that :slight_smile:


First of all good jod @diaconutheodor !!

I need help! I have a problem with with check() and grapher, the console returns the Exception when I try to render data with react:

Exception from sub exposure_Profiles id JNZf2XCGwZ5dP3nmr Error: Did not check() all arguments during publisher 'exposure_Profiles'
I20170715-01:24:26.952(2)?     at [object Object]._.extend.throwUnlessAllArgumentsHaveBeenChecked (packages/check.js:484:13)
I20170715-01:24:26.952(2)?     at Object.exports.Match._failIfArgumentsAreNotAllChecked (packages/check.js:132:16)
I20170715-01:24:26.953(2)?     at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1734:18)
I20170715-01:24:26.953(2)?     at [object Object]._.extend._runHandler (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1035:17)
I20170715-01:24:26.953(2)?     at [object Object]._.extend._startSubscription (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:853:9)
I20170715-01:24:26.954(2)?     at [object Object]._.extend.protocol_handlers.sub (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:625:12)
I20170715-01:24:26.954(2)?     at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:559:43

On the expose.js I have:

import Profiles from './Profiles';


And my publish:

Meteor.publish('profiles.view', function profilesView(profileId) {
  check(profileId, String);
  return Profiles.find({ _id: profileId, owner: this.userId });

Do you have this package: ?

If so, try removing it. Currently I do not use check to check the arguments in a method or exposure, but it makes sense to do it. Iā€™ll add it as a issue in github

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Thanks for the reply @diaconutheodor, issue has been solved !!!

But now I have a problem with queries, I canĀ“t get the data from the linked collection, the query only give me the main collection data.

This is the code of my view with react component (using grapher-react lib)

import React from 'react';
import Profiles from '../../../api/Profiles/Profiles';
import { createQueryContainer } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher-react';

const query = Profiles.createQuery({
    name: 1,
    description: 1,
    Groups: {
      name: 1,
      description: 1


const ProfileList = ({loading, error, profiles}) => (
    {, profile => <div>{JSON.stringify(profile)}</div>)

export default createQueryContainer(query, ProfileList, {
    reactive: true,
    dataProp: 'profiles',
    single: false

Groups doesnĀ“t appear on the example print data ā€œ{JSON.stringify(profile)}ā€, only get name, description and id profileĀ“s

The ā€œrelationshipā€ is a many-to-many between Profiles and Groups.

import Profiles from './Profiles';
import Groups from '../Groups/Groups';

    groups: {
      type: 'many',
      collection: Groups,
      field: 'groupIds'

    profiles: {
        collection: Profiles,
        inversedBy: 'groups'

And them I expose with


What am I doing wrong?

Groups should not be capitalized here :slight_smile:

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I just tried with with ā€œgroupsā€ instead of ā€œGroupsā€ but with the same result. :sweat:

you use .addLinks({groups}) then you query for Groups, capital G.