Helper inside template helper

How to use helper inside a template helper? Thanks in advance

//HTML code
<Template name="NewRecipe">
	<div class='new-recipe-container'>
		<i class="fa fa-close"></i>
		{{> quickForm collection="Receipe" schema={{schemaName}} id="insertRecipeForm" type="insert" class="new-recipe-form" }}

//Javascript code
	schemaName: function(){
		return Session.get('currentRecipe');

I would like to use helper {{schemaName}} inside a quickform template helper as shown above

{{> quickForm collection="Receipe" schema=schemaName id="insertRecipeForm" type="insert" class="new-recipe-form" }}

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@satya - That works. Thanks. Silly Mistake!!!

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@satya - Can you please help me on this one - AccountsTemplates checkbox field