How can I re-install 1.2 CLI?

I’m having a myrid of issues with the CLI tool for 1.3… what is the best way to go back… just wipe ~/.meteor and then edit the script in the release variable (RELEASE="1.3.1")? Or do I have to use the git checkout instead?

FWIW the errors i’m most recently running into are:

W20160407-22:31:36.604(-7)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: document is not defined
W20160407-22:31:36.604(-7)? (STDERR)     at /Users/adam/Projects/Foo/app/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/packages/modules.js:25675:13

where the same commit runs fine on my laptop with the 1.2 CLI.

and when I upgrade beta7 to 1.3.1 I get a:

=> Started proxy.
W20160407-22:35:15.611(-7)? (STDERR)
W20160407-22:35:15.612(-7)? (STDERR) /Users/adam/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
W20160407-22:35:15.671(-7)? (STDERR)            				throw(ex);
W20160407-22:35:15.671(-7)? (STDERR)            				      ^
W20160407-22:35:15.671(-7)? (STDERR) TypeError: Cannot read property 'env' of undefined
W20160407-22:35:15.672(-7)? (STDERR)     at meteorInstall.node_modules.meteor.ddp-server.server_convenience.js (packages/ddp-server/server_convenience.js:1:5)
W20160407-22:35:15.672(-7)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:166:9)

Which seems like process.env is undefined and seems to be a core module and not my code (I acked for process.env to be sure it wasnt my code).

At any rate I can’t waste more time tinkering getting this to work ( I only upgraded to the 1.3 beta because Browserify wouldn’t compile on some team members machines but others did).

Unfortunately something as simple as running meteor --release 1.2.1 won’t work, as the constraint resolver will spit out a bunch of errors. The best way to revert is likely to create a new 1.2.1 project using meteor --release 1.2.1 create some-project (just so we can get some of the 1.2.1 files we need), then copy the following files out of this new project into your upgraded project:

  • .meteor/packages (you’ll likely want to keep a copy of your upgraded packages file and copy the packages you’ve added back into the new file, instead of just replacing it).
  • .meteor/release

Then, remove your .meteor/versions file, since it will be re-created when you start your app again. Fire your app back up and you should be running with 1.2.1.

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