How do I make a deep link for meteor cordova app?

I need help with deep linking in meteor cordova app. I need a deep link that will open a specific route in my app through webview and not the browser.

So far I’ve managed to create a deep link to a root route in my app, but I’m stuck on redirecting it to a specific page/route.

Here is the code I have so far:


App.configurePlugin('cordova-plugin-customurlscheme', {
    URL_SCHEME: 'smartpiggybank'


handleOpenUrl = function handleOpenURL(url) {
            const token = url.replace("smartpiggybank://intesaSuccess", "");
            console.log("Token: " + token);

Router: FlowRouter,

Cordova plugin for custom URL:

@djolekb Did you get it to work? I’m also trying for deeplinking for my meteor app. So any reference or help will be really helpful :sweat_smile:

Hey @roy2019, we used the package quave:universal-links in our projects and it worked fine!
On Github, you can see how to use: GitHub - quavedev/universal-links: Meteor package that allows you to expose your native iOS settings to enable Universal Links..

Thank you for responding. I will definitely check this out.
Also what about the Android Platform? Is there any solution that does for both Android and IOS?