If you were to stop using Meteor, what would you use instead?

I’m confused. What I’m saying is that our Galaxy hosting cost is $230/mo. No way would my service run on a single server. I’ve got 2 x 2GB containers ($0.16/hr x 720 hrs = about $230/mo). And no, running an app on AWS API Gateway + Lambda is not considered self-managed hosting. Nor is using RDS. These are all managed services.

@alawi I agree, this has become an outdated (and kind of silly) thread. Meteor has changed a lot since the thread started. Honestly I can’t really judge the platform as it stands today. I think it’s a perfectly valid solution, and really it just depends on one’s needs as far as what stack is appropriate.

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Agreed, indeed it got dated now that I see the date of the original post. Thank you @ffxsam, I appreciate your sincerity.


There seems to be agreement that this topic has run its course, so it’s now closed. Thanks all for keeping it professional.