Info about Meteor Security and minimongo now available

at Meteor Slack was this question:

I have just seen the Meteor DevTools Evolved extension and was wondering if anyone had asked > themselves the question of security.
Insofar as all data is shown in the minimongo tab in plain text.
How can data be hidden from this extension?

And there was also request to move that content from Slack to Forums, because Slack content disappears in 3 months.

So I have added answer and additional security info here:

1) Security

2) Hall of fame

3) General info about WeKan

4) Feedback welcome

All feedback welcome, how these could be improved.


This is great thank you for sharing @xet7

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The question was posted by Slack member Antonio Rossetti.

The thread was super useful because you responded with almost bullet point directives (that can be turned into an audit checklist) and some sample code illustrating points. I think that format was outstanding and directly useful.

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