Let's talk about deprecating spacebars

The nested in spacebar is needed that saves a lot of code!

what’s the difference between this and sideburns?

Sideburns converts your spacebars to react.

Have you looked at Aurelia, both for power and simplicity?
Make everyone happy by helping them to integrate it with Meteor.

I agree with the sentiment in the original post. Blaze should probably move to JS, if for nothing else, then to gain the features that make React so attractive.

I still like many things about Blaze, mainly that it uses the DOMRange API as its core.

To compete even further with React – not that competition is a necessity, but because in this case it’s probably better to have at total of more than one (or two, if you count Angular, which I’m not sure we ought to) view engines on the market – it would be nice to have a built-in viewmodel layer that provides us with a more declarative approach to components.

Some inspiration can be gotten from manuel:viewmodel as well as from my recently released attempt at a cleaner solution, dalgard:viewmodel.

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See also Proposal for Blaze 2.