Location of code

Just re-created the issue in a separate repo to upload and show you @mrzafod and then @robfallows comes around and changes the name of the folder and solves my problem. The wave now renders fine. Why is that the case @robfallows? What makes the /compatibility folder work and the /lib or just /client doesn’t?

js files in client/compatibility aren’t wrapped in a closure by the Meteor build process. That means any exposed library variables remain exposed.

client/compatibility is a “go-to” place for non-Meteor-packaged libraries.

Glad I could help :smile:

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@robfallows excelent! That helped a lot. That will certainly solve a lot of issues for me in the future.

However, moving the script to /compatibility also created another problem. Under Template.twoStory.events({}) I can’t seem to call a wavesurfer.playPause(); to play or pause the audio playback anymore. I get a ReferenceError: wavesurfer is not defined.

Template.twoStory.rendered = function() {

    var wavesurfer = Object.create(WaveSurfer);

    var options = {
        container: this.find('#waveform'),
        waveColor: '#bfbfbf',
        progressColor: '#f9f9f9',
        height: 80,
        normalize: true,
        hideScrollbar: true,
        cursorColor: 'transparent'
    // do not forget about initial '/'
    wavesurfer.load(Meteor.absoluteUrl() + 'media/tshirt.mp3');
    wavesurfer.on('ready', function() {

    // Play Pause Button Events
    'click .playPause': function(e, t) {
        $('.playPause').find('i').toggleClass('fa-pause fa-play');

Why can’t I make that call?

Thanks for all the help guys!

Your wavesurfer variable is locally scoped to the onRendered function.

I would strongly recommend binding it in the onCreated function as a template variable:

Template.twoStory.onCreated(function() {
  this.wavesurfer = Object.create(WaveSurfer);

Then, you’ll be able to access this in your event handler:

        // Play Pause Button Events
        'click .playPause': function(e, t) {
            $('.playPause').find('i').toggleClass('fa-pause fa-play');
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Awesome! Been trying to figure out how to make these variables template-scoped for another issue on another part of the project!

That solved all of my problems!

Huge thanks for the help!