Looking for help migrating packages to Meteor 3.0

Any updates on swydo:ddp-apollo? It’s helpful for people who want to use postGres and/or other databases. I was able to get my Apollo GraphQL code working in Meteor v3 without it, but it was quite a lot of work.

swydo:ddp-apollo is outdated in the Apollo world as well. I think, given that the other Swydo projects aren’t being updated, we will have to do a fork.

I have code now that connects ApolloGraphQL to Meteor resolvers, with support for queries, mutations and subscriptions, and which puts the Meteor user object, and userId into context. I would be happy to contribute this code to the package.


Yes, let’s figure out the best way we should have Apollo in Meteor. Probably best to build a new package or expand the official one.

I don’t know anything about building a Meteor package, but I can contribute this code.

Shouid we do a video call/programming session?

I updated the list again as I was working on the latest iteration of my monthly blog posts. We’ve made great strides since the last time with packages like meteor-roles becoming async compatible, thanks to the work of @storyteller

Previously I’ve given any viewer the ability to modify the spreadsheet in the hopes that we can all work simultaneously but apparently some douche decided to mess it all up then a good Samaritan decided to fix things. So, I’m not taking any chances again and locking it up, anyone can comment now and I’ll merge your comment if it’s worthy.


A new version of collection-hooks got released 2.0.0-rc.6, it’s important that you try it out in your applications so we can resolve any remaining bugs before final release.