Looking for help migrating packages to Meteor 3.0

Any updates on swydo:ddp-apollo? It’s helpful for people who want to use postGres and/or other databases. I was able to get my Apollo GraphQL code working in Meteor v3 without it, but it was quite a lot of work.

swydo:ddp-apollo is outdated in the Apollo world as well. I think, given that the other Swydo projects aren’t being updated, we will have to do a fork.

I have code now that connects ApolloGraphQL to Meteor resolvers, with support for queries, mutations and subscriptions, and which puts the Meteor user object, and userId into context. I would be happy to contribute this code to the package.


Yes, let’s figure out the best way we should have Apollo in Meteor. Probably best to build a new package or expand the official one.

I don’t know anything about building a Meteor package, but I can contribute this code.

Shouid we do a video call/programming session?