ahaha excellent. I’ve made lempod indeed.
I don’t believe that the choice of MongoDB as the database behind Meteor is a good choice today. If the same features could be implemented with Postgres as the database behind it, Meteor would be absolutely the perfect framework.
I think we will have a huge disagreement on that. I’m on the MongoDB train and it is perfect for my use cases.
Same here, for 10 years I listen people telling MongoDB was the worst choice for Meteor.
It doesn’t scale, it crashes, it’s horrible…
I don’t know what those guys are doing with Meteor and mongo but I never had any issues to make a successful businesses and projects with those technos.
nosql db is perfect match for a full JS framework.
Agree 100%!
No need for opinionated UI or tying to specific framework.
Key points for me:
- pub/sub with minimongo. Not really needed to have client side method stubs.
- Mongodb as the integrated DB.
- Agnostic front end framework, including Vue!
- Accounts API services.
…next unpopular advices:
- don’t make meteor framework bigger and bigger, but instead of it more specific, to make development and innovation faster (large source code base is hard to maintain and it’s difficult to innovate),
- prioritise quality over size of Meteor platform,
- better support and integration with popular third-party frameworks than developing your own, which is then difficult to maintain,
- by @acemtp " focus on one thing", but those thing (area), which can be a source of significant references,
- identify the exceptional features of Meteor frameworks (biggest advantages over the competition),
- build communication and marketing and highlighting the excellence of Meteor,
- when communicating, focus on technical/expertise areas and eliminate “talking around”,
- instead of long “verbal descriptions”, presentations should be supported by a slideshow or at least visual material that allows more information to be perceived with more senses, much more effectively,
- communicate specific information instead of general e.g. how many projects are running on Meteor, how many requests per month are processed by projects running on Meteor Cloud, how many users do these projects have, how much money have these projects earned for companies, how many users are served by Meteor projects, what are the largest projects by area running on Meteor, how can the Meteor platform help organizations for their growth, how much development time and costs can Meteor save compared to other technologies, etc.
- build a Meteor on which solutions can be built and on which they can grow over time, emphasizing that Meteor is not a framework just for “today”, but that building a project on Meteor is an investment for the future,
- identify where Meteor is a suitable platform for building large projects and focus on these areas,
- track the competition and identify what they have done better and then transfer that to Meteor (technical, communication, business, marketing).
Great startup 101 advices ^^
I’m posting this, as having used Meteor for many years, and not having recent experience of other web frameworks to be able to comment about those other web frameworks. Anyway, creator of below video seems to have experience about frameworks I don’t yet know so well.
This video seems to have some points related to above discussion. For some of those good points, maybe they could be cherry picked to also use with Meteor, if those are helpful when growing Meteor community.
This video has some points, like for example:
- How community is great when helping build stuff
- Having opinionated ways, when there is clear way to do something
- How in Javascript there seems to be many “framework wars” and comparisons, those kind of wars do not seem to exist for example at Laravel
- How he originally was using Angular and Next.js, and has sometime used React, how he convinced himself to try Laravel instead this time, while others previously had told how bad PHP code was
- About while he currently is using Laravel, if that at some point would need to use some other web framework like Javascript or Ruby based, that could be later be better
Just stumbled over an actual use-case on React-Native and the React ecosystem that actually annoys me like crazy.
So react-test-renderer
is apparently deprecaed by react: react-test-renderer Deprecation Warnings – React
Worse: React suggests “to move to testing library” - yeay another developer mass exodus from one package to another. Why React can’t simply update test renderer to use Tetsing library under the hood, while keeping the API?
This is the experience I (and I assume many other devs) don’t want to have and it’s an opportunity for Meteor Team and Community to learn from such experiences.
…I have similar experiences and mostly in JavaScript ecosystem (especially client side), sometimes is goying explode head, especially If I calculate some expected solution delivery time and then this kind of changes is comming! I remember 90’s, when things was simple and stable, and when we was solving himem.sys, emm386.exe and autoexec.bat problems
Newest FreePascal TUI IDE fp
has the same colors like that Turbo Pascal, so to get a retro feeling, maybe use it to edit Javascript code
@xet7 haha, that times are gone …and I have enough shortcuts chaoss, when I’m switching between Webstorm, VSCode and c9 or between joe, vim or emacs and with another shorcuts wetween Windows/Ubuntu/Mac
@mikkelking that times are gone and fortunately we don’t have to write the code between BEGIN and END , but… for example Germany’s railways in some cases are still using MSDOS in some systems (not “dyno systems”, but they are really using it in some cases). They are telling, that its cheap, simple, reliable, clever and virus-free (in this times)
I guess that explains why the German railways has so many problems. Hasn’t evolved much since that first trip in 1835 to Fürth
Just because this thread popped at the top again, here’s my two cents, as Postgres user and developer: you cannot replicate the Oplog/Change Streams functionality, which is unmatched (bar RethinkDB). Yeah, maybe you are thinking of LISTEN/NOTIFY*, but how do you effectively pool that in transaction mode,i.e. with something like pgBouncer?
Postgres, coupled with its amazing extensions, is an astounding database system, but when it comes to real time, it does not match Mongo. Meteor is a real real-time framework. Period.
*I’ve expanded on that in this post:
What trend site is that?
trends of current week in Github
Okay that is really good.