Making Blaze Faster

It would be very appreciated @arunoda, seems like a great improvement for Blaze! I perceived in Kadira Debug that DOM Creation has been the bootleneck most impacting UX.


This looks amazing ! The bottleneck in my app is currently from far Blaze rendering
@arunoda Any update so far ?

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After this I decided to invest more on React and I figure our the Blaze we already having it dying.
BTW: Here’s the code I used -

Here I’m caching most of the views and that might add some Memory leaks in your app.

If you are trying to use this in production try to use something like LRUCache as the cache.

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Ok thank you for your answer,

Is React really way better than Blaze ? In terms of performance.

Great @arunoda, i will try that!

Can you provide a simple usage example?

Just drop it to your app and use it like it I showed on the video.

Yes. It is.
Blaze can be tuned if needed. But React is always does a better Job,

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