MDG needs to be more involved with the community

Sure - but if you take a look at the outline for the guide, you’ll see Flow Router in there.

Yes, but that could mean “We’re using Iron Router in all parts of the routing guide except for this one”. :wink:

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Honesty - the content in the guide should be the same advice you would give a trusted friend.

Person: "We’re going to pull Router into core"
Person: "Here’s a guide that mentions Flow-router"
Friend "Hey friend, are you going to pull a Router into core?"
Person: “Isn’t it obvious from what I’ve already said?”

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

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Haha. Sorry maybe that was too snarky of a response (maybe my friends have input on this issue!)

The answer is, the Meteor Guide is going to recommend using Flow Router. The end. Which is, coincidentally, what I tell my friends when they ask which router to use.

To put a fine point on the issue, I think the blog post that said “we are going to pull router into core” was incorrect. We are not going to pull a router into “core” (although I don’t know what core means - does that reflect who wrote the code, what we recommend, or what is in the meteor/meteor repository?) in the foreseeable future. But we are going to have very specific recommended patterns for how to use a router in Meteor, which I think is just as good.


Speaking of routing, I’d love for the guide to also cover redirections, such as f.e. a redirection to proper route/:id/:slug, when a route with incorrect slug but correct id was initialized.

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@sashko Thanks! For what its worth I think MDG officially recommending something makes it much easier for the community to organize.

I’ll agree there could be some ambiguity around the use of “core” but it might be useful to define what the useful delineations are for the purposes of their use in the guide.

  • Core - written and maintained by MDG - code contained in meteor/meteor
    • Are there known exceptions to this?
  • Collaboration - written and maintained by both the community and one or more MDG developers in an official capacity
  • Are there any examples of this? Will there ever be? If so identify them in the guide?
  • MDG Recommended - written and maintained by the community with spiritual support of MDG
  • Does a recommendation mean anything more than “as of this very moment we have not officially changed our internal recommendation”? Maybe it also means if a recommended project loses its maintainers or support MDG will make some effort to steward the community on to the next solution or revival of the first?
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What if @arunoda came to the rescue and forked Meteor? :wink: Problem solved!

@ccorcos: See the discussion here:

looks like they’re not to excited about it :frowning:

I don’t think this is exactly what you’re looking for but we prototyped one facet of a solution in the Meteor Hackathon:

The implementation is cartoonish (you get what you pay for in 24 hrs!), but I believe strongly in the premise. Any user community should have:

  • an explicit say in what gets built
  • transparency into why things are prioritized
  • transparency into when they can expect them

FWIW, I really appreciate MDG’s recent AMA on and the Meteor Guide, and am super optimistic about where things are headed.


I just wanted to chime in and say I completely disagree, I’m pretty impressed with the involvement of the MDG members I’ve been in contact with, especially @martijnwalraven. I deal mainly with Cordova projects and I couldn’t wish for quicker response time. Thanks bud!