When using mdg:validated-method I want to create a mixin that requires the user to be logged in. However if the method is called using the ._execute syntax from a trusted context, the user doesn’t need to be logged in.
Is there a way to tell if a validated method was called with .call or ._execute?
Here is my method:
export const CannedAnswerInsert = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'CannedAnswer.insert',
mixins: [isLoggedInMixin],
validate: new SimpleSchema({
answer: { type: String },
run({ answer }) {
// @todo handle errors when inserting?
Here is the isLoggedInMixin:
export function isLoggedInMixin(methodOptions) {
const runFunc = methodOptions.run;
methodOptions.run = function() {
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('login-required', 'You must be logged in to do that.');
return runFunc.call(this, ...arguments);
return methodOptions;