Meteor 1.3 *early beta* now available

Oh, another nice surprise is that process.env.NODE_ENV seems to be present on both client and server now, automatically! Previously it was only on the server side I believe. Very handy.


I couldn’t find such a file. The error appeared after updating from beta.6 to beta.7. When I downgrade to beta.6 everything works fine. I run it on a windows system.

Hrm. That’s strange. I see that Mantra uses the non-relative syntax —

I tried it and it works for me on beta 7.

I had the same issue. If you want to keep your import syntax, you can simply change your export to:

export {
  a: 1,
  b: 2

See my issue

@ffxsam @SkinnyGeek1010 I don’t know what you guys are doing but both importing absolute paths and omitting the extension for js worked for me since beta4 (where I started):

import {maps} from '/modules/enums/maps';
import {GameArea} from '/modules/enums/enums';

are you sure lib and client are root level folders?
non-js extensions don’t resolve

In other news, loving the speed improvement in beta7, compile time is down to about ~4 secs from 12 in beta5.
However, if I keep compiling, after 10-15minutes it slows down to ~10secs and then I have to restart meteor.


Doh! i’m an idiot. Thanks for the clarification. Indeed it was both/lib and not lib/ :smile:

My reload time has dropped by about half so far… haven’t used it long enough to tell if it decays.

Oh, maybe I was doing it wrong by doing import '/client/file' vs import 'client/file'. I’ll give it a shot.

New release!

To update to the latest beta release, run the following command in your meteor project:

meteor update --release 1.3-modules-beta.8



Bingo, import {saveColor} from '/lib/methods' worked. The leading / was needed. I don’t know when absolute paths were added, but thank you!


That’s awesome. Are you registering a hook before insert operation to validate the object using Yup? (Perhaps using something like collection-hook)

No, not really because I’m doing all write operations via methods and I’m also using MySQL.

Has anyone successfully deployed a version 1.3 app to a hosting provider?

I found out that debugging was set in an enviroment variable. If you want to see debug messages, now you have to disable bable messages like DEBUG=*,-babel*

You can deploy your prototypes for free to galaxy using meteor deploy <app> from your app dir.

I was referring more to deployment to hosting providers that require buildpacks like IBM BLuemix, Modulus, Heroku, Digital Ocean. Has anyone deployed a version 1.3 app to any of them? If so, did the buildpacks need tweaking?

I tried Heroku but no luck so far. If I succeed in tweaking the buildpack to work with 1.3 I will let you know.

For me importing absolute paths is not working if I work within package.

I got it to work by running npm install before the bundle process.

My repo:

If you want to use it, remember to change it back. I will delete (edit: the repo) it when it gets fixed.


The build time is great now compared to before!! Great work!!


I just upgraded an app that didn’t use ecmascript and it just gave me a blank screen with absolutely no hint as to what’s wrong. If it’s intentional that all apps now require ecmascript then you should get some kind of warning if ecmascript isn’t in the packages file.