Meteor 1.3 *early beta* now available

I’m still using beta 8. Is there any compelling reason to upgrade to beta 10, or should I stay put?

It’s a huge update, check out the number of commits.

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beta.8 was the last released version that is worth trying, and beta.11 will be the next, but beta.11 is not quite ready yet


I’m speaking more in terms of either tangible features or performance boosts, not necessarily the number of commits.

Cool, just the info I was looking for! Thanks, Ben.

Stoked for these testing changes!

What are they changing with testing? Did I miss something above? (hard to keep track, this thread is massive) :slight_smile:

Official testing by MDG! Finally!


I’ve upgraded to beta 11 and my project finally works again for the most part!

One of the remaining issues I’m having is that the Semantic UI fonts have stopped working:

OTS parsing error: invalid version tag
browse:1 Failed to decode downloaded font: http://localhost:3000/lib/semantic-ui/src/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff

These worked before. Any ideas?

Hey @avital
So __dirname works now in beta-11! Thanks for that. But unfortunately busboy does not… it tries to read a file at that location but can’t find it:
fs.readdirSync(__dirname + ‘/types’)

Again, I’m not sure how @arunoda got this working with Meteorhacks:npm but its not working with the current beta-11 mechanism.

That’s because __dirname is not a full file system path, but simply the directory part of the absolute identifier of the current module. On the client, it doesn’t make sense to expose real file system paths, and it seemed risky to make the server and client behave differently. In an ideal world, the busboy package would just use require("./types/...") to load those types. What it’s doing now won’t work on Windows, anyway. There’s a chance we can make this work the way busboy expects, but I’m going to have to think about it some more. Thanks for the example!

Yeah I don’t disagree that there are better ways to do what they are doing. But it may be worth supporting on the server side as your likely to see more of it as people start sucking in npm packages.

Thanks for looking at it

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Hey and thanks for the awesome beta! I just got a chance to try it out and it’s really looking nice!! :thumbsup:

I have a little (maybe dumb) question though:

How can I export a variable to the global namespace? Yes, I do understand that the idea is to prevent such thing, but sometimes it’s nice being able to play around with a variable in the browser console during development. E.g. if you’re trying to figure out how to deal with moment.js.

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I agree, which is why I made it a standard function in my projects now:


export function globalizeData(mongoCollection, astroClass) {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    global.Collections = Object.assign({}, global.Collections, mongoCollection);
    global.Models = Object.assign({}, global.models, astroClass);

And then in my /lib/collections/whatever.js file:

globalizeData({MyCollection}, {SomeAstronomyClass});

The short answer: global.variableName = value


@wursttheke there’s a reliable global variable that you can assign properties to!

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I’m having some trouble with imports, all of a sudden (in beta 11).

Error: Cannot find module '../../../client/actions/audio'

But this worked before, and I didn’t change anything. /client/actions/audio also used to work fine, and that bombs too.

Is it not yet possible to deploy a 1.3 app to Meteor free hosting? Trying now and getting a refresh page with “this site has crashed…administrators can check the logs…” but the logs are bare save for /hit messages.

Any way around this or just patience?

Edit: False alarm. I was doing something doofy. Carry on :slight_smile:

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How long till it’s going to be released? Can’t wait.

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It seems that meteor only includes npm packages if the node_modules directory is in the same directory as the .meteor directory.

Is this correct? Is there a way to make meteor look for another location (like the parent directory)?