Meteor+Blaze or Meteor+React?

While I can agree with what you are saying, most React tutorials will have you learn other frameworks/software alongside React.

It’s pretty hard to find some that are focused specifically on React. Especially React in the way you would be using it inside Meteor.

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I’m really not sure if I should learn React or Angular. I’ve tried both and have to say Angular made far more sense to me and I really loved how it is integrated in the HTML. React seems really foreign and feels like it would take far longer to learn.

@sieneskil, neither, 100% VueJS.


I’d say this way. If you prefer React than Angular, go for React. If you prefer Angular than React, go for Vue.


use this, app starter package basically… gives you 80% of the usual functionality in an app (excluding your IP basically). hat-tip @themeteorchef

@tathagatbanerjee Thanks for the mention :slight_smile: