Meteor Build, Meteor Up, MupX -- Can you make it more confusing?

Another thing that’s not clear to me is how does mupx/mup perform versus manually building and deploying. Our developer said today that mup doesn’t scale since it runs in a docker container on a VM and it would be a lot better to just run a nodejs app. Is this true?

Docker might add a small overhead, but it won’t be much. If the statement is “mupx or the kadirahq mup makes it harder to scale a meteor app” than this statement is completely wrong imo.

Scaling with meteor in general means horizontal scaling, i.e. adding more servers. Scaling to more servers is a lot easier with docker than with regular vm’s, especially if you need to install third party stuff like ffmpeg or imagemagick.
With vm’s you’d need to install everything for every single vm, with docker you simply make one image and deploy using that one image to x amount of servers, be it one server or a thousand servers.

Btw, the easiest argument to refute that statement: Galaxy is completely built on docker.