Meteor Guide: Methods

I’m looking at the code for validated-method and I was wondering, can it be implemented as an npm module rather than an atmosphere module?

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Not at the moment because it calls Meteor.methods internally. What would be the benefit of making it an NPM module?

Primarily to help migrate away from having another packaging system unless needed. For example if code is meant to be only run on server or on client without resorting to Meteor.isServer check.

My classification for something that would be candidates to go npm are.

Client only packages much like angular blaze templates directive.

Code that can run on both client and server with no modification or if Meteor.isServer.

Code that only has dependencies to meteor-base since there is no need for package resolution then. So meteor/meteor is still game.

Just my two c.

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Yeah, so this package has deps on meteor-base. So seems like it doesn’t fit your filter?

It does fit. Because it only has meteor dependencies. I was hoping I can limit it further by saying meteor-node-stubs can provide but I guess that does not work.

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In addition, making it an npm module will help work with this roadmap entry

Right I’m just saying there are a lot of modules that it would make sense to move first, like DDP itself.

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I thought Apollo will rework or replace DDP

Sure, but a lot of people are using it already. My only point is - making ValidatedMethod an NPM package if DDP is not an NPM package doesn’t make sense.

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Seeing your point on this one, anyway you’ve convinced me sufficiently to create a PR rather than waiting for an npm module for this bug

Hopefully @Urigo can merge and release it so I can remove it from

@sashko or @tmeasday,

It seems like there are a few instances of check calls in the guide/docs, but the majority of the Meteor guide seems to reference the newer SimpleSchema validation method… The apollo docs also reference check. Can you clarify the preferred method? If SimpleSchema is preferred, should the check package spit out a message about the strong preference?

I’m not really questioning the change, just thinking it should become a lot more obvious in more spots of the documentation if this is the case. Happy to submit PRs for the guide if this is the case.

I feel like we shouldn’t deprecate a core feature just because the guide recommends a different approach, but PRs to the guide to make it more consistent would be much appreciated. Perhaps we can also add a note to the docs in the check section which says you might prefer this other approach.

This sounds like a good idea. I actually like the idea of ValidatedError handling because it tends to send along a details array, which is great for dealing with errors in the client UI.

I guess I just wonder about the disconnect that may happen if someone looks at the docs and not the guide? Perhaps just a mention/link to a guide article is enough. Perhaps this discussion points to the need for a Validation article or expanded subsection in the security guide (point 1 is the only mention here:

You can even see the inconsistencies in the security portion of the guide. It took me a good 1-2 hours of playing around to understand the upside of using SimpleSchema. I also worry about the migration to NPM and what does that mean for a package (SimpleSchema) that seems to have a last commit of December 2015? Does this mean MDG would be willing to own update/maintenance releases of the package since it is recommended now? Perhaps @aldeed can chime in on long term goals?


export default updateText = { ...
Is this code working?

I followed the ‘Code Style’ instruction, but ESLint pointed it out as an error.

As it stands it isn’t valid when linted because updateText won’t be defined. To fix it you could change it to something like:

export const updateText = { ...

I have a method to parse an xlsx file. It’s a ‘server-only’ function, what’s the best approach here?

This is my current setup:


import xlsx from 'xlsx'; // I don't want to bundle this to the client...

let import = {
    name: 'objects.import',
    validate(args) {...},
    run({..}) {...},
    call(args, callback) { ... }

export default import;

    []: function (args) {, args);, args);

Right now I have a methods.objects.import.server.js and a methods.objects.import.client.js (with an empty implementation). But this seems kind of clumsy, no?

Any ideas?

@joshowens I am doing a final push toward an RC for SimpleSchema 2.0, which is an NPM package. It fixes all known issues with current SimpleSchema Meteor package and adds some requested features, but also has a few compatibility breaks. It’s done, but I am rewriting tests and doing a bit of refactoring still.

I will need to work with MDG to port ValidatedError class to an NPM package, unless someone wants to tackle that for me. Somewhat problematic is how it wraps Meteor.Error, which would also have to be moved to NPM. My preference would be for the DDP packages to forward any Error based on the presence of some boolean property like clientSafe: true rather than on being an instance of Meteor.Error.


I am soooo glad to hear that!


I took a brief look at Meteor.Error and was a little surprised to find that the “Meteor” package that defines the “Meteor” global only appears to have one dependency on anything not already ported to NPM (according to the package.js). Maybe I’m missing something and the package is somehow rife with global variable references. But, if not, it might not be so crazy to ask MDG to push the port of that particular package to NPM into release 1.4 instead of 1.5. The 1.4 release may align well with your timetable.

Of course, your preferred solution of changing the forwarding of errors would probably allow your package to serve a more general audience.

Yeah I like @aldeed solution of using duck typing rather than checking for Meteor.Error specifically.