December 31, 2015, 4:29am
Just curious why SimpleSchema was chosen for the Meteor Guide vs Astronomy. Not to say one is better than the other (depends on the application), I’m wondering what drove that decision.
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@sashko explained this decision here :
The Meteor Guide is going all-in on simple-schema, since it has benefits in many places - argument validation, schema checking, form generation, and more. It’s the most complete solution available today, possibly in the whole JavaScript ecosystem. I think we should move away from using one package (check) for validating method arguments, and another (simple-schema, astronomy) for validating collection schemas.
IMO this is one of the places where a commitment to a standard format could have huge benefits for everyone - if we could all be using one JS schema format to interface between different packages. For example, if you could have lots of different form packages that all know how to validate against simple-schema, etc.
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