Meteor is great! Why is not more popular?

Were your slow build times happening on windows or mac?
I started developing Meteor on windows and got stuck with bugs and very very slow builds,
cloning the project to my mac as a last effort before ditching…
got very fast builds and no bugs.

Yes, it’s slow on Windows. But saying buy a Mac is not really a good solution ;).

What’s your Windows configuration (processor, memory, SSD speed)?

Can you provide more details on the webserver in your basement.

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@morganpattens @XTA

My business uses Meteor with MySQL thanks to vlasky:mysql, originally based on numtel:mysql.

So we enjoy Meteor’s reactivity and pub/sub based on DDP together with the benefits of a relational database combined with the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) provided by transactions.

The claim that using Meteor results in MongoDB lock-in is a myth.


Sure, but it seems to be a third party package which isn’t used by many. I guess the most (business) people take a look what is officially supported and maintained to be “on the safe side”.

Do you think npm packages have more credibility than atmosphere packages? I’ve seen great and dire in both ecosystems, yet npm seems to be more acceptable. Why is that?

Do you think npm packages have more credibility than atmosphere packages? I’ve seen great and dire in both ecosystems, yet npm seems to be more acceptable. Why is that?

I agree with Rob. There is absolutely no guarantee that NPM packages will be better. Also, most of the time people have no need for MySQL and are fine with using MongoDB. In the end MySQL and MongoDB are just flavors that server different needs, but also a lot of common needs.

There is reasoning of MDG to go with Mongo as the default database. One of them being that a new developer will be able to use javascript and create a webserver without having to touch any database. It comes out of the box. Mongo’s document approach makes that very easy as opposed to MySQL. So there is simply less demand for a MySQL library in combination with Meteor.


Uh, I’m not saying that this is my opinion. I’m just thinking about why other people may not choose Meteor. I’m using Meteor on all of my projects, but I have a small company, so I have other preferences than a bigger company.

I don’t think that this is about NPM vs Atmosphere. I guess it’s more single developer packages vs company packages. The most of the people will trust in company packages. So if you have the choice between a small (unmaintained?) MySQL package for Meteor vs the core one with MongoDB, what would you choose? If you prefer MySQL, isn’t it better to choose another framework that supports SQL databases by it’s core instead of Meteor?

Well, I wasn’t trying to single-out MySQL: the thread is less specific. However, as far as MySQL support is concerned “in-core”: are there any JavaScript frameworks which support MySQL without using an npm package? (That’s a genuine question - I don’t know the answer).

In Meteor, MongoDB support is through an npm package - granted, there is an isomorphic abstraction layer in there too - but an npm package does the heavy lifting and is written by Mongo Labs. Livedata is a feature added by MDG - does that make it more or less desirable?

There’s an “official” equivalent for MySQL which you can use in Meteor if you don’t need livedata.

I’m sort of losing the point here, which is that if you can do it in Node.js you can do it in Meteor. If you want Meteor Goodness™ you may have to accept that some of that comes from non-official sources.


Ubuntu Linux 14.04 running Apache. The Meteor apps, produced using Meteor Build, are deployed there. We can take this discussion offline if you like.

Thanks will give it a bash.

Meteor is not great, no web frameworks are great. Technology keep evolving every years.

On the technical side, we dislike Garbage Collector in Node.js as Java do. If there is a need for fastest performance, a bit of trick in Rust with assemble is feasible, useful for Big Data/Small Data.

Rust DDP talk to Meteor? Perfect!

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Meteor is not great, no web frameworks are great. Technology keep evolving every years.

Meteor is not a framework. Its a platform / environment. It just happens to have some really awesome packages that go really well with today’s needs

In my opinion, Meteor has has lost its appeal to newbies (and speed of development) after forking (another pivot?) into database hosting company and flirting with Facebook/React.

If I remember the story right, the team was searching for a tool to build their travel web-site, and there was no such tool, and they pivoted into the development of Meteor. Would it be easier to build that ‘travel web-site’ with Meteor Meteor 1.0 or Meteor 1.2.1 or Meteor 1.4?

But it is still the one - number one - ahead of rails and laravel and well ahead of expressjs

P.S. Just signed up for paid account for Galaxy and got lost in containers/DNS/etc. It is crazy even for me (returning beginner) even after 100+ hours of meteor to set up everything to see the results on the Web. The magic of meteor deploy is gone so it requires much bigger attention span to get the right results. I hope the tools like "Visual Meteor" coming soon :) will help to return the magic.


I agree that Meteor is a bit un-focused right now, or so you’d think if you still see Meteor as a closed system but saying containers/DNS takes long with Galaxy… seirously? Galaxy has way too little features and I’ve seen the entire interface in 10 minutes. There are barely a few settings for an entire app, most of them are one-click checkboxes, how can this possibly be too complicated already?!

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I do not mean Galaxy is hard to learn (enough features for me :slight_smile: ).

I mean that learning curve is dramatically increased when you have to go to mlab, register account there, go to galaxy, register account there, put configuration data into your project, and only then see ‘the real thing’. Magic is gone.

BTW, you keep your Windows configuration secret? :wink:

And is this a bad thing? Honestly, you need to sign up for an account, copy & paste a mongo string and you’re done. Your “magical” alternative is hooking up your database to your ubuntu server by default and having the fun of running all your MongoDB setup and maintenance yourself, including lots of fun with scaling issues. How is that more easy for production apps?

Sometimes copy & pasting stuff for 10 minutes can go a long way to safe hours in the long run :slight_smile:

PS: I use the most expensive Dell workstation laptop you can buy. I find it pointless arguing over things that are obvious ;).


Nobody says it’s bad thing. But it is no good for spreading community. People are not born advanced geeks.

Re: configuration: What a coincidence. I use Dell Latitude. Even if you are using Dell Precision, processor/memory/SSD and how Meteor uses them still matter, not money spent on workstation :wink:

The unofficial Meteor+Vue integration still offers more features out of the box and is better documented than official Rails+Vue integration.

Also the Vue+Meteor project is written and maintained by a member of the core Vue development team.