Meteor meets GraphQL

Worked awesome for me, thanks a ton!
I started making a demo list with React-Meteor-GraphQL-Mongo, then swapped out MongoDB with PostgreSQL in about 30min using sequelize (with Meteor 1.3-beta NPM support!).

Looking forward to the future!


Thatā€™s awesome.
Do you have a repo?

Here you go!


Basic Demo of Meteor 1.3 with React, Lokka, GraphQL, PostgreSQL


Thatā€™s pretty awesome.
Itā€™s awesome, if you could right a small README on how to clone and start this locally.
Then itā€™s prefect.

Additionally, you may could host it on Heroku (I assume they offer FREE postgress DBs)

For sure, it would be nice if I polished it up some and uncommented back out the latency compensation.

I think Iā€™ll do that tomorrow :smile:


Demo Here. (Not currently working due to Galaxy not working with Meteor 1.3-beta and NPM Packages)
Github Project updated with ReadMe and Heroku connection.

Yay for easy transactional databases with meteor. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is superb.

About deployments
I assume the problem is with binary NPM modules. Thatā€™s one thing I can think of.


Does anyone know what authentication seems simple for GraphQL React-Native until Meteor offers a solution?

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I think thatā€™s a kind of interesting projects. There is react native package which opens a webview and get cookies after authenticated to R-N.

You could use that approach. Open the meteor app and do the auth. Then save the loginToken in cookies.

Then use that to authenticate RN requests.

I am on mobile and hope you can google and find out the package. :slight_smile:

Yup found the package.
Doesnā€™t sound too hard, Iā€™ll probably try sometime and see how difficult it actually is.


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Maybe this is what GraphQL should focus if you want to integrate with Meteor

reactive:false not working in many case

can we use auth like simple:rest-accounts-password ?

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Probably. I havenā€™t gone to far. Give it a try.
May be we can start a new thread, rather hijacking this one :slight_smile:

Hi @arunoda,

Just finished exploring your GraphQL course and meteor package. Amazing stuff!

In your opinion, would GraphQL be worth using with Meteor if I were to only be supporting a single MongoDB database? My initial impression on GraphQL is that it shows most of itā€™s value when trying to utilize multiple databases and/or database types. Please correct me if I am wrong.

This is something I would definitely love to try out, but I am also afraid of over-engineering my solution.

Thank you for everything.


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Itā€™s major selling point to work with non-mongo dbs.
And also from the server performance wise, itā€™s much better since it wonā€™t deal with oplog stuff and merge box.

But, if you donā€™t see any issues with Meteor MongoDB, there is no reason.

That being said, GraphQL client side declaritive use is pretty amazing. That might be a reason to use it.


Facebook is increasingly a product used by young developers to talk to Grandma. If they want to attract those young developers, they need something to cool to offer. Having the coolest tech stack is certainly a way to do that. Note the problems GE is having attracting developers to work there (they even make fun of themselves in TV commercials - the ones with the ā€œYou arenā€™t developing anymore? You gonna work on trains?ā€ - a total panic).

I agree with you. What FB is doing a way to get attention for good young developers. They are not going to make a business on this yet.

But they will be, if FBā€™s revenue is failing. Check Parse. Itā€™s a pretty awesome platform. I didnā€™t know that we can host node apps inside it.

Anyway, the tech coming from FB is great. Not everyone, but most of them.


I totally agree. Great tech, very well thought out, solidly reasoned stuff from them.

@arunoda is there going to be a server only package for Meteor GraphQL? For example I have a few micro services that donā€™t need the client code (especially Browserify which has slown down my build times in the past).

For now iā€™m just forking it but it would be great to have a sub package that we could import directly when needed!

At any rate, thanks so much!!

Just use Lokka and expose your schema via express-graphql.
Or may be just follow the spec of it.

We didnā€™t do it with Meteor because we need to work on the User auth first.

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