I created a new topic because we were having a discussion with @a4xrbj1 on the subject on another topic but I think
1/ it could help more people
2/ more people can help us, if we separate this issue.
Problematic is the following : setting up a quite classic meteor / react / react-router app and implementing simply gtag in client / main.html head (simply copy/paste of the script given by google tag manager) it seems that I am getting very unrealistic bounce rate (95% sometimes) and session time (a few seconds). It seems google is not taking into account changing of page on a SPA like this. Apparently @a4xrbj1 is reporting similar issue. I also compare with facebook pixels results that clearly show a much better bounce rate.
Do you know of any library / solution to solve this ?
I have tried implementing this reply:
and will see result quite soon but it isn’t the most recent solution and gtag is changing regularly so wanted to have your feedbacks ? Alos maybe there is some specific meteor solution ?
Sure. I use React will try to show you a “very” async version :).
I have added history NPM to my project.
In the entry js file of your client (index.js), on Meteor.startup I initiate the history prop and then pass it down to all my components like so: index.js -> App.js and then all components are served from here.
async function main () {
const [
{ Meteor },
{ Provider },
{ default: App },
// import more things not relevant to this topic
{ createBrowserHistory }
] = await Promise.all([
Meteor.startup(() => {
const history = createBrowserHistory()
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<App history={history} /> /* this is the only relevant part for this topic */
</Provider>, document.getElementById('app'))
// }
In App.js. Here I wait for everything to be running and only then I load and start my google things. I don’t want these to affect my startup time on the user side. What I do is to wait for 6 seconds and then call this function:
handleGoogleAnalytics () {
if (!window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) {
const { history } = this.props /* this is the history passed from index.js*/
.then(ReactGA => {
ReactGA.set({ page: window.location.pathname })
history.listen((location, action) => { // This listener is provided by the NPM library
ReactGA.set({ page: location.pathname })