Meteor Roadmap Update, August 27th, 2024

Are there plans to drop reify? If we use Vite for client bundle, we won’t have nested imports support anymore, right?

If that is the direction going forward, the community might need a more formal communication as this impacts a lot in shared code and loading order.


I think the Vite change is key to make Meteor survive long term. I’m very happy that we are going that route, otherwise I was seriously thinking about moving away from Meteor; the current build times are horrible, no tree shaking, etc. Great move, even if we lose the nested imports, which don’t follow JavaScript standards anyway.

I love the new roadmap. Looking great!

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I too think that using Vite on client side would be a really good step for Meteor. However, for other reasons. Faster build times and tree shaking are of course very nice. But for me, what is even more important, is that almost all widely used front end libs already integrate well with Vite and so it would hopefully significantly decrease the effort required to support different front end libs in Meteor. I would like to see Meteor’s team to have to deal less with standard problems like this and have more time to work on stuff that is actually core to Meteor itself.

Nested imports I do not use. But having features that deviate from js standards is a slippery slope anyway that comes with a cost. So for me, personally, losing it would not be a problem.

I am currently bringing a project to Meteor 3 with GitHub - JorgenVatle/meteor-vite: ⚡ Replace Meteor's bundler with Vite for blazing fast build-times and the experience has been very nice this far.


Are there plans to drop reify? If we use Vite for client bundle, we won’t have nested imports support anymore, right?

I would also like to know the impact on dynamic imports, many of our apps use it as the main technique to reduce bundle size

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We are open to dropping certain features if the upside is more significant than the downside. There is still need for research and discussing it further.

My hunch is that we need to move away from things that are not spec-compliant, which might include nested imports, and favor dynamic imports instead, let’s say; the key is doing it gracefully.

But there are things we can try to preserve it too, like plugins etc. When the time comes, rest assured that this will be validated and communicated widely.

Would you be willing help us research it? I believe Vite can benefit us a lot, and many things, like tree-shaking would come for free.


Dynamic imports shouldn’t be affected, e.g.

const { something } = await import('./somewhere')

Actually, dynamic imports would be improved from my perspective because they’d be served via HTTP vs DDP. See Nacho’s note here.

I assume nested imports likely would be affected, e.g.

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  import { something } from './somewhere'

Though I think I recall Nacho mentioning that code in Meteor packages may still be able to use nested imports.

Maybe there’s still a way to keep nested imports for normal app code too, but if not, I still think the benefits of Vite outweigh this downside.

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We were building our performance setup and we noticed, initially that the numbers were slightly better in Meteor 3 vs Meteor 2.

For methods, it showed ~28% speed increase, ~10% lower CPU usage, and ~16% less RAM consumption on standard server execution, likely due to the Node upgrade itself.

However, in reactive flows, we noticed that after 4 concurrent connections (in our extreme testing scenario, it can only be relative to our testing setup the Meteor 3 app started to not respond at all, while Meteor 2 would still work fine. We also received some reports from companies facing the same problem when deploying to production, especially when using Publish Composite.

Clarification on our testing scenario: 4 concurrent connections, per second, over a minute, and doing a process that triggers reactivity incrementally on connected users. This is a very extreme scenario and it won’t affect most of the applications.

After writing a custom async resource profiling logic I noticed that we are producing many thousands of async resources, and the first thing that came to mind was the context from ALS/bindEnvironment, since it needs to be allocated and then deallocated, so should apply big pressure on GC and even on the event loop. But it was mainly conjecture, now I believe it is still something we can optimize, but not the main problem.

Now the good news:

Yesterday after implementing a custom logic with an event loop monitor I could trim down and focus on the resources created only when the event loop is lagging, turned out to point to a big portion of the observer/multiplexer logic and also zlib which is used by permessage-deflate for sockjs message compression. Disabling compression seems to fix the issue we noticed and significantly reduce CPU/memory.

As permessage-deflate is old, possibly it didn’t age well as Node.js evolved. We will be releasing a beta completely disabling it, and then research if we need to add it back. I believe the benefits outweigh any potential cost with bandwidth and we can find a better approach in the future.

We will publish the numbers in a few days as we finish validating the changes, but at first Meteor 3 might be way faster than Meteor 2, after all. And that’s without optimizing the observer/multiplexer logic, and there is a lot of room for improvement there, I believe.

About the packages that will be brought to the core, to my knowledge, are: Roles, Apple Oauth, Migrations, and possibly Collection 2 or some features within it. If you have suggestions let us know.


I tested the initial betas and found Meteor 3 faster than Meteor 2, likely due to Node.js improvements.

However, my tests used Express endpoints, not publications or code that would trigger observer/multiplexer logic.

If you want to run large-scale tests like this, let me know. We have this set up already, as we’ve done it for many clients, including Method calls and other Meteor-specific features.

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Our plan at quave is to be as package-independent as possible.

If our plans align with core plans, we’re open to using core packages for obvious reasons.

  • Roles: We don’t use it, but many clients do. Migrating to core would be good.
  • Apple OAuth: Already a quave package and the most up-to-date.
  • Migrations: We use our own version, especially with Meteor 3.
  • Collection 2: We use our own version too.

We’re willing to collaborate and add these as core packages. Send details and deadlines if you want to work together.

SyncedCron would also be great to add to the core.

These packages are essential for any classic Meteor project.

This was my list of packages to add, plus redis-oplog, when I was running Meteor (the company).

One question: What’s the reason for this? Is the goal to include all popular packages or is there another motive? More transparency on the ‘Why’ would be helpful.



Is the plan to bring all Auth to Meteor core?

RocketChat has many auth packages.

WeKan uses older version of ldapjs npm package. Ldapjs is not maintained anymore.

WeKan has fork of OAuth2/OIDC at wekan-accounts-oidc and wekan-oidc directories for Auth0, ADFS 4.0, Azure AD B2C, Google, RocketChat, GitLab, NextCloud and Zitadel. There is also package for Sandstorm login.

List of various login methods is at right menu topic “Login Auth” at wiki:

Also there is plans to add SAML and CAS, but any existing code is still Meteor 2 only I think. Question is, how to port to Meteor 3.

If Meteor would have most login methods at core, then it could be similar like Ruby on Rails that has OmniAuth packages for various auth methods:

Replacing the embedded babel+reify that is part of isobuild with something else might be good in the long run but “here be dragons”.

reify generates wrappers and extra code for every code file in a meteor application and enables some additional features:

  • nested imports (a proposed addition to javascript that never went anywhere)
  • dynamic imports
  • top-level await
  • async-tagged code blocks that work well with fibers (meteor < 3)

If you’ve never looked into the generated code, here’s an example of what reify does (meteor 3.0.1).
Note all the module calls which are part of the reify/meteor runtime:, module.wrapAsync, etc

original code:

import axios from "axios";

const getAndrei = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get('')

const Andrei = await getAndrei();

export default Andrei;

Generated code inside app.js:

!module.wrapAsync(async function (module, __reifyWaitForDeps__, __reify_async_result__) {
  "use strict";
  try {
    let axios;"axios", {
      default(v) {
        axios = v;
    }, 0);
    if (__reifyWaitForDeps__()) (await __reifyWaitForDeps__())();
    const getAndrei = async () => {
      const response = await axios.get('');
    const Andrei = await getAndrei();
  } catch (_reifyError) {
    return __reify_async_result__(_reifyError);
}, {
  self: this,
  async: false

All? No, that is unrealistic, not to mention a hell to maintain. You are reading too much into it. I can foresee strategic expansion like Apple OAuth. LDAP and SAML could make sense in the future.
There is a difference between core and community maintained auth packages. Core are should be things that almost everyone is going to use or will be required in certain contexts (like Google and Apple OAuth) and then infrastructure to build additional auth packages if you need them (OAuth core packages).

We want to provide everything the user needs to have a complete experience, while at the same time moving away from maintaining things we don’t need to maintain.

I also believe some centralization for such packages would make sure they are well maintained and documented.

Our tests show the same thing, also for methods. Reactive flows however, show some degradation, which ends up affecting reactivity dense/large scale apps.

Right now we recommend using SERVER_WEBSOCKET_COMPRESSION=false if your app fits that category, as it gives a lot of breathing room. We have opted to not release a beta fully removing it as some users might still benefit from compression.

The problem I believe is in the sheer amount of calls the mongo logic triggers, it can trigger many thousands of tasks and async resources in just a few seconds, combine that with ALS/AH, publish composite or polling, you can get an explosive combination.

Both Meteor 2 and Meteor 3 are prone to oplog flooding, however Meteor 3 seems be more easily affected, and also it is reported to show increased CPU in normal levels of reactivity.

In essence, the observer/mongo logic is a strong candidate for further optimization, but there might be some tradeoffs we need to make regarding bindEnvironment or whatever else relies on ALS.

It is very hard to “prove” that ALS is the culprit because we can’t easily turn on/off, we can experiment with it in one place or the other. In one experiment I did for removing it from AsynchronousQueue tasks I got a reduction of 20mb in RAM use, but no apparent CPU change, and it is a very simple use case. I assume those 20mb freed GC from running too. Multiply that by 10/20x…

This needs further research, and I would appreciate help with it.


How many Meteor users will need this?

Can you let us know how long your build time is? I don’t share that feeling and I don’t see that Meteor has become worse. But then we only have about 250-300k LOC.

Also didnt find Meteor slow, its much faster with Vite though.
I think build times are the last thing I care about as long as they’re “average across js”

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It might be unpopular opinion, but I dont think Meteor core should compete with basically everything JS-related on the internet. Awesome and predictable realtime performance out of the box and wonderful DX, - all meteor really needs, especially since the more popular Meteor is, the more solutions/boilerplates will community generate naturally.

The better Meteor is for realtime apps, with heavy and frequent data updates through subscriptions, the more sense it makes as unique solution.

I dont think we should focus on beginners and extensively cover bases like REST-API. Web development has much matured, there’s NestJS for overcomplicated JS backend(Meteor would work great as module for it btw) and tons of tools like Nextjs or Golang Gin server, which are incredibly easy to learn and maintain.

To my knowledge there arent many good out of the box solutions for writing realtime-oriented apps. Especially if you dont have a full fledged team of developers with frontend/backend/devops and message-queue expertise. You can absolutely lose your mind trying to do a simple chat module or voting system. There’re many new toolsets to bootstrap improvements in Meteor and arent yet adopted by big frameworks well, like aforementioned Nats/Jetstream KV or React 19 stuff like useOptimistic – React or even suspended rendering at this point. Though Blaze has niches where its unique and truly convinient, like Email templating, especially with AI assistance.

It could be best to grab exciting stuff ASAP and set things aBlaze


I dont think we should focus on beginners and extensively cover bases like REST-API

My Meteor 2 app has REST API. I did not remember where I did see how to do REST API with Meteor 3, so I asked Meteor 3 Docs AI, and it replied with this REST API code example:

import { LinksCollection } from "/imports/api/links";
import { WebApp } from "meteor/webapp";

WebApp.handlers.get("/all-links", async (req, res) => {
  const links = await LinksCollection.find().fetchAsync();

// other code ...
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It would be nice if Meteor’s WebApp provided ways of easy authentication/authorization users. In my dream world there would be some kind of a middleware available for WebApp that would consume request’s headers (auth headers) and enrich the request passed to the route handler with either user ID (so something similar to this context in Meteor methods) or authenticated user object from the Meteor.users collection.


The way to implement that is:

  1. Use Meteor Roles to define roles.
  2. Have Login API that can be used with username and password to get time limited Bearer Token, that is saved to database.
  3. For other API, check that it includes Bearer token, that bearer token has not expired, check Meteor Roles is API user allowed to do that API call, and do that API call.
  4. Maybe log API calls to MongoDB database or elsewhere.

I have something similar implemented for my Meteor 2 app, but it is using hardcoded permissions and old REST API package, it’s not so useful for Meteor 3, where is better to use Meteor Roles.