New package "rocket:module" to provide CJS/AMD/ES6 Modules for Meteor packages with shared NPM dependencies

Yeah, I can’t wait for it to land!

Hello everyone, I’d like to announce that I’ll be deprecating rocket:module in favor of the new modules package in Meteor 1.3, which is awesome. It’s been an great experience prototyping the feature of ES2015 modules in Meteor, but now Meteor has taken it into official hands (with some inspiration from rocket:module and other packages like @macrusher’s universe:modules and webpack:webpack). :smile:

Meteor’s new modules package is the right direction to go in, thanks to @benjamn, and I’ll be devoting time (if any) on writing build plugins for Meteor 1.3+ that bring similar functionality to Meteor as what Webpack loaders bring to Webpack. I’ll probably do these on a as-needed basis. One thing I foresee is needing glslify for loading vertext/fragment shaders.