Polymer 1.0 and iron router or flow router

By the way, as I found out just today, the simplest hello world Meteor project won’t work as expected with the latest Polymer. That means

{{> hello}}

won’t change the click numbers. Meteor could even complain no “hello” template found… Unless you quote it like:

<div>{{> hello}}</div>

Guess it’s due to Polymer & Meteor always compete to write the DOM tree. Polymer somehow changed to break Meteor. There’s no gaurantee if we don’t protect Meteor blocks explicitly.

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What exactly do you mean by project won’t work with latest Polymer ?
What elements in example you changed to polymer counterparts ?

I am using boxxa:polymer & boxxa:polymer-paper. They help install latest Polymer stuff to /public/bower_components

My test project worked few days ago, yesterday I copied the project and delete /public/bower_components and let the packages reinstall. When comparing the 2 projects, I noticed some minor version upgrade in the components. Now template quote needs to be wrapped:

<div>{{> hello}}</div>

Otherwise the reactive variables won’t work as before upgrade.

I tested your package but…
Using a simple element such “paper-input” or “paper-fab” cause weird errors:

“Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute ‘insertBefore’ on ‘Node’: The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.” at polymer-mini.html:487

“Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation” at polymer.html:935

Yes the paper-fab button wasn’t working because ShadyDOM couldn’t do its local DOM manipulation properly with Blaze in the way. Could you please try again using v0.4.0?

But you will need to change your bower.json, if you’re using a browser that isn’t Chrome. Please remove the webcomponentjs override in the bower.json.

It works now!!! Thanks for this fix !! ; )


After following these instructions, (which worked) I’m still having issues. Looks like CSS files fail to load, which means the HTML doesn’t render correctly. I’ve detailed what’s going on here: https://github.com/loneleeandroo/meteor-polymerize/issues/8 with reproduction steps and a demo link, detailed in the README here : https://github.com/polonski/c9-meteor

Also, I can’t view your demo as it is marked as ‘private’. Can you please make it ‘public’ for us to view?

Many thanks

Hi, those warnings are not errors, I’ve read a report on Polymer a few days ago, would be very hard for me to find though. It’s just some internal browser stuff, this doesn’t cause any errors but Chrome/browsers will log it nonetheless. They are aware of this issue but for now they haven’t figured out a solution yet and I don’t think it’s on their urgency list, since it’s not breaking anything (although they are aware this might confused developers and make them waste time on fixing a problem that’s caused by something else).

Discussion continued in github here: https://github.com/loneleeandroo/meteor-polymerize/issues/8

Let’s continue this discussion on github, no need posting in both place :slight_smile:

I could not do walk the loneleeandroo package: polymerize , use this , boxxa : polymer , ecwyne : polymer and all who are in atmosphere.com , but I can not give the result. someone has the solution for Windows meteor ?

https://github.com/HedCET/TorrentAlert in this project we used flowrouter with mwcLayout.render() (similar to blazLayout.render()) & mwc:compiler also useful coding polymer with meteor