Polymer 1.0 icons not showing in Chrome, Blaze issue?

I do not think it has anything to do with initial state, mby if it was in router default route messing with render function there.
But this is just “randomly” timed autorun function.
Randomly as it is only using that startup function to have all resources ready, but it is not in any way integrating into Blaze startup or so.

good luck
I tried setup basic dialog modal and it was not behaving very well. It is still very experimental for me too.
Lets hope they mature it soon and add our belowed list element.

Still seems we would need to code in polymer and use Blaze just to pass data between them in form of properties and javascript. But once polymer element is rendered, we should not mess with content inside that element.

Or Blaze would have to learn how to integrate with Shadow DOM

I think there will be packages for that soon. My colleague is already working on something like that.
But yes, other wise build your custom polymer element and pass the data through attributes and let Polymer render it.
Core-list is one of those that I want to use like that. Its super fast.


A solution without waiting for webcomponentsready can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/30713035/2556796

That is not a real solution, but a fix of the symptom. Editing stock elements should not what we be doing because you would have to fix your bower versions for your elements and not get updates in the future.
That is not what I want for a solution.

But yeah… if you are happy to stick with the current version you could edit the webcomponents