PostCSS package and Meteor Build Plugin questions

I made it work but I will try to rewrite it a little bit to use meteorhacks npm-container. I’ll try to do it in couple of hours.

Also related:

For now I have something like this: works quite well (so far ;))

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Hey, one problem with using the package instead standard-minifiers is that some of community packages has it in dependencies (I wonder why?). This is a blocker for many people when you want to replace it with something different like for example juliancwirko:postcss package. Even when you remove standard-minifiers meteor will install it again.

I think there should be info somewhere to not use such packages in other custom packages or standard-minifiers should have special logic which will check if there is other minifier active. I don’t know… :confused:

Good example Orion :

This is bad because some packages are doing the same. What’s your opinion about that @sashko ?

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My two articles about PostCSS usage in Meteor:

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Can I still use a preprocessor (specifically Stylus [mquandalle’s]) ?

Yes! This postcss package runs after the stylus package would.

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Cool! So I don’t need to bother with something like ?

Nope! That’s the goal of this package - letting you use your favorite pre-processor independent of postCSS.


Yeah, you can still use your fav preprocessor. PostStylus is just a Stylus plugin which uses PostCSS.

This is the article that I wrote some time ago:

It helps to understand what PostCSS really is.

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Thanks guys!

@juliancwirko can I add any valid postCSS plugin to the package.json ? Anyone working on a master list for these? I did find this:

In theory yes, but many of the plugins may not work with Meteor. Of course I haven’t tested all.

But some of them works well. Here is the demo: where I use some of the plugins. You can test others and let me know if they work for you. There is even a demo of usage Stylelint which is also used as a PostCSS plugin: (article:

So basically the package is prepared to support many PostCSS plugins, but because of specific Meteor build workflow some of them may not work properly.

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I also support registering PostCSS as a build tool “minifier”, but a problem that we have right now is that we don’t have a clean way to implement caching for these. That means that every time you touch a file, your minifier is going to be called for every CSS file again. And if you have to parse the file, run postCSS on the AST, and recompute a String for that again, it is going to slow down your reload time in a sensible way. Minifiers, like Compilers should implement some file level caching.

We discussed this issue as part of PR #5875.


Version 1.0.0-beta.1 for Meteor beta (also on Atmosphere):
Feedback is welcome.

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$ meteor create --release 1.3-beta.11 myApp
$ cd myApp
$ meteor remove standard-minifier-css
$ meteor add juliancwirko:postcss@1.0.0-beta.11


$ npm init
$ npm install autoprefixer --save-dev

3). Open just created package.json file
4). After devDependencies add:

"postcss": {
    "plugins": {
      "autoprefixer": {"browsers": ["last 2 versions"]}

5). You’ve just installed proper Autoprefixer (PostCSS plugin). And there is more: :wink: Also check out the new website:


New version for Meteor 1.3 has the possibility to configure PostCSS parsers.
Read more here:

Also take a look at: Meteor 1.3 Scss imports from node_modules experiment


There is version 1.0.0 for Meteor 1.3

Check out demo files:
And demo package.json file configuration:

This package also allows you to import .css files from node_modules and with a little more work you will be able to also import and compile .scss files. Take a look at:

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Version 1.1.0 with added possibility to exclude particular Meteor packages from the PostCSS processing. More info:

I recommend:

“PostCSS with Ben Briggs”