Problem adding comments to a mongo collection

Hey guys, so I’ve been trying to add comments to one of my mongo collections. But I’m unable to get them to display. I don’t get any errors on the console, but I’m unable to debug. Any help will be greatly appreciated…

Here is a GIST with the pertaining code.

Here is the code, from the gist:


… ommitted code

// All Fritkots

Meteor.publish(‘fritkots’, function() {
return Fritkots.find( { author: this.userId } );

// Single Fritkot
Meteor.publish(‘singleFritkot’, function(id) {
check(id, String);
return Fritkots.find( { _id: id } );

Meteor.publish(‘fritkotComments’, function(fritkotId) {
// check(fritkotId, String);
return Comments.find( { fritkotId: fritkotId }, { sort: { timestamp: -1}, limit: 10 });

Meteor.publish(‘comments’, function() {
return Comments.find({ author: this.userId}, { sort: { timestamp: -1 }, limit: 20 });


import ‘./fritkotSingle.tpl.jade’ // Single Fritkot View Page

// On Creation
Template.fritkotSingle.onCreated(function() {
let self = this;

self.autorun(() => {

  let fritkotId = FlowRouter.getParam('fritkotId');
  self.subscribe('singleFritkot', fritkotId);
  self.subscribe('fritkotComments', fritkotId);

console.log(params of the subscription from the fritkotSingle.js are ${fritkotId})

// Helpers
fritkot: () => {
let fritkotId = FlowRouter.getParam(‘fritkotId’);
let fritkot = Fritkots.findOne( { _id: fritkotId } ) || {};

  console.log(`The current fritkotId is: ${fritkotId}`);
  console.log(`The current fritkot is: ${fritkot}`);
  return fritkot

editable: function () {
return Session.equals(‘editFritkotId’, true)
// comments: function() {

// // let fritkot = Fritkots.findOne( { id: Session.get(this._id)} );
// let fritkotId = FlowRouter.getParam(‘fritkotId’);
// return Comments.find( { fritkotId: fritkotId } ) || {};
// },
// commentsCount: function(fritkotId) {
// return Comments.find( { fritkotId: fritkotId} ).count();
// console.log(There are ${Comments.find( { fritkotId: this._id} ).count()} comments written by this user);
// },
// fritkotComments: function(fritkotId) {
// return Comments.find( {fritkotId: fritkotId }, { sort: { timestamp: -1 } });
// }
comments: function () {

  let fritkotComments = Comments.find( { fritkotId: this._id } )
  console.log(`Comments for this fritkot: ${fritkotComments}`);
  return fritkotComments

commentsCount: (fritkotId) => {
return Comments.find( { fritkotId: fritkotId } ).count() || ‘No data’;


with fritkot
if editable
h3.card__title= name
p.card__content{{commentsCount}} comments
p.card__content= fritkot.comment
p.card__content= address
= fritkot.gemeente
span.card__content= postCode
p.card__info= info
if fav
button.card__btn.btn–isDenied.toggle-fav Remove from Favorites
button.card__btn.btn–isAllow.toggle-fav Add to Favorites
//- button.card__btn.toggle-fav Add to Favorites
button.card__btn.form-delete Delete
//- button.card__btn.btn–isEdit.form-edit Edit
button.card__btn.form-ecdit Edit
h3.section__title This is the comments section
h3.section__subtitle Start Comenting
if $.Session.get ‘createComment’
button.btn.form__btn.add-comment Comment!
each comments
p= body


import ‘./createComment.tpl.jade’{
‘click .form-save’: (e) => {

  let commentContent = $('.new-comment').val();
  let fritkotId =  Fritkots.findOne({})._id;'createComment', commentContent, fritkotId);
  console.log(`A comment was inserted with this body: ${commentContent}`);
  Session.set('createComment', false);

‘click .form-close’: (e) => {

  Session.set('createComment', false);



form.form‘text’, placeholder=‘Let’s hear it’)
button.btn.form__btn.form-save Submit
button.btn.form__btn.form-close Close

I have EXACTLY The same problem (cf here)

I tried 2 hours to fix it yesterday. Nothing more.
So if anyone can help us, it would be great.

Did you fix your problem?

Just solved the problem, problem was with how was defining my Comments.collection with the SimpleSchema. Got it to work by commenting it out, but will add the code once I make it work.

But here is the collection/comments.js as it stands now

// Permissions
insert: (userId, doc) => {
// return !! userId;
return true
update: (userId, doc) => {
return !! userId;
remove: (userId, doc) => {
return !! userId;

// Methods
// updateComment: (id) => {
// Comments.update(id, {
// $set: { text: }
// }),
createComment: function (commentContent, fritkotId) {
check(commentContent, String);
check(fritkotId, String);

  let currentUserId = Meteor.userId();
  if(currentUserId && fritkotId) {
  		body: commentContent,
  		author: currentUserId,
  		fritkotId: fritkotId
  } else {
  	throw new Meteor.Error('you must comment on a fritkot');

updateComment: (id) => {
// Session.set(‘editComment’, true);
deleteComment: (id) => {