Problem on Sum of Mongo Aggregate (Big Number: 01 + 0.2)?

You are importing the NPM package, which does not have the methods and properties needed for returning serialised EJSON. You should import { Decimal } from 'meteor/mongo-decimal';.

However, the error at the top (Invalid argument: 0.1) suggests that there’s a problem with converting MongoDB’s representation.

You could try data.valDecimal = new Decimal(data.valDecimal.toString());

Thanks, It work.
Why data.valDecimal is not Decimal JS?
If I use Collection.findOne({}), the valDecimal is Decimal js.
(don’t use data.valDecimal = new Decimal(data.valDecimal.toString()))

Why data.valDecimal is not Decimal JS ?

The meteor/mongo package uses meteor/mongo-decimal to ensure the Decimal data identified with Meteor Mongo.Collections can be serialised with EJSON. The native MongoDB library doesn’t - you need to handle all this yourself.

I will try the bast :sunny: