Proposal: The Future of Blaze, Autoform, Accounts and Meteor

To those of you that like the “component-ness” of React (for reusability etc) but still prefer Blaze, checkout @mitar’s BlazeTemplates package. Best of both worlds!

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Check out viewmodel, best of this world

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I guess there’s an argument that there’s not much difference between paying MDG or Auth0 for a separate login service, and paying to maintain a MongoDB database for purposes of using the existing Meteor Auth system. :slight_smile:

I would suspect MDG could create a lot more value than auth0, being able to more tightly integrate the accounts service with apollo than could auth0. Even if it was paid (hopefully with a free teir like auth0), the service would definitely be a big way for apollo to differentiate from the twenty other graphQL generators/starter packs/repos etc. etc.

I would suspect MDG could create a lot more value than auth0, being able to more tightly integrate the accounts service with apollo than could auth0. Even if it was paid (hopefully with a free teir like auth0), the service would definitely be a big way for apollo to differentiate from the twenty other graphQL generators/starter packs/repos etc. etc.

Excellent points,

We are definitely not going to get in the business of running accounts as a hosted service, as far as I know. There are a lot of great options in that space already, I don’t think it needs a new competitor.

You’re right: the Auth0 team hasn’t supported Meteor well. Their Meteor quickstart repo is out-of-date. But we found them to be very helpful when contacting their support department directly.

I didn’t really mean for go into so much detail about Auth0. I was just using it as an example of how Meteor is being unbundled i.e. NPM, webpack, auth0, apollo…