Replacement for DDP?

That would be awesome, if you can find the time. Backwards compatibility is not issue for me at least.

Several years ago I created an experimental C# DDP package named DDPClient.NET, by porting the Java package delight-im/Android-DDP and using the third party C# library WebSocket4Net to provide the WebSocket layer.

I last worked on it in April 2018. I am happy to share the code in its last state if you want it, but I would not encourage its use for new projects.

C# and the .NET ecosystem have evolved a lot over the last few years. If I were writing a C# DDP implementation today, I would almost certainly reimplement it from scratch using the asynchronous programming model in .NET Core using the native WebSockets implementation or SignalR.

I actually think it would not be too difficult to write a modern implementation from scratch if you coded collaboratively with a good coding LLM like OpenAI GPT4 or Anthropic Claude 3 Opus. The DDP spec is a short document so an LLM can read it fully.


I wonder what would be needed, to switch to this from Swydo:ddp-apollo, since that seems to require fibers?

Sorry, my post was misleading. I thought the request was about my Swift impementation. It was actually about the C# fork, which I haven’t put up on Github yet. And it’s not for JavaScript either, so it would not be a replacement for Swydo:ddp-apollo. I deleted my post.