I intend to refactor my code to use flow-router which I am hours into reading about. How can I implement this sort of code in the middlewares so that I can tell it which routes to specifically check login credentials. I will at a later stage have segments for admins, authors and different role based route authentication.
Thanks @mrzafod, I managed to do it with that. Now I have to find a way to render my master template and inject partials. Do I open a new thread on the same? I guess so
Remember that route control doesn’t provide actual security. You can stop people from navigating to the page like normal users, but I can still get there if I really want to because I’m a 1337 hax0r. You still send the code and templates for that page to people who aren’t allowed to go to that page.
I have been grapling with that as well… so how can we mitigate against such or it’s something Meteor still has no answer to since we send down all the HTML/JSS code that is on client to the browser?
Is there a way I can conditionally send down HTML?