I will be talking with MDG team members about whatever the most interesting topics have been for the last month or so, and I’d like to get your help with that.
Reply here and let us know which recent topics are the most important to you!
On Episode #16 we talked about Redis Oplog, Apollo + Meteor, and impact of the loss of Arunoda/Kadira.
TRANSMISSION is a monthly show covering the most important topics to come out of the Meteor Forums. Each month we need your help to pick the most relevant forum posts for us to discuss with MDG in deeper detail.
If you could do any sort of contact with @arunoda to find out what his plans are for Mantra, it would probably be considered actual news. He’s been so great about turning Kadira and Flowrouter over to the community for continued development, but Mantra users have heard nothing yet about his plans. If he were to continue leading development of it, or turn it over to users, either way Mantra users would greatly appreciate it.
I’m a huge Transmission fan. I think you and Sashko (and other guests) really do a nice job.
I’d like an Apollo update. Specifically, the continued growth of subscriptions. Is Facebook still dragging their feet on implementation? I know that it’s causing some community angst. For instance, I’m working on an Elixir project using Absinthe (GraphQL server implementation for Elixir) and there’s been some talk about supporting Apollo’s subscriptions vs waiting for the official standard from Facebook.
Good news: We’re doing as much as we can to work with Facebook and everyone else to center on one official standard. The last thing we would want to end up with is several competing standards. We should talk to the Absinthe maintainers more as well! This is something @Urigo is spending a lot of time on.
I’d love to hear about how realistic the possibility is of the remote Meteor shell that @benjamn brought up at the end of that recent HashBang episode.
Following up on @gusto’s suggestion, meteor-now can include a free MongoDB instance with your deployment just like meteor deploy did. Check out this post for more details on how it works.
I’d be really interested to hear some discussion on this github issue regarding generating sourcemaps for production builds that’s been around over a year now and is 5th in the queue but not really getting any attention. I guess it’s not trivial to implement or Ben would have done it already. What’s holding it up?