I think you misinterpreted the intention of the original post. Or maybe I misinterpreted your stance?
@jkuester is attempting to write an article that underlines how Meteor is still relevant now and in the future & how battle-tested, working software with lots of users doesn’t just die overnight.
Love dev.to, love Meteor, and love the idea of an article espousing why Meteor is great.
Some reasons I love it.
1.) Zero (or near zero) configuration. Not that this is a direct comparison, but I recently spun up a Vue/Nuxt project and connected it to a PHP controller for the server work. Nuxt is awesome, but it took days of research to configure everything. A good investment, but having spent four years and 1,000+ hours with Meteor, it’s just so apparent that you get to sit down and basically start writing app code right away.
2.) Use whatever view layer you want. React, Angular, easy peasy Blaze, Vue, etc. (Our app is still on Blaze, but the goal is to rewrite it using Vue unless the community tells me different!)
3.) Magically get two build bundles to handle modern browsers and the antiquated ones from one codebase.
4.) Easily spin up real-time apps. Maybe this isn’t totally true, as there seem to be articles discussing scaling problems, but it’s honestly tough to discern in many cases whether the apps just aren’t configured to handle scaling very well. But the idea of having things feel real-time was an immediate draw to Meteor years ago and it still makes dev a ton of fun working with it.
Thank you all for the inspiring input. I currently work on the article draft and it will be shared here before publication. I intend to publish on 25th (one month after the initial “survey” on dev.to) with some potential overhead of +1 to +3 days.
In addition to the above, I also enjoy the kinship community that Meteor has, I learnt a lot from reading comments shared by folks on this forum over the years, I think there is tons of knowledge shared in here.
Furthermore, I really appreciate Meteor’s commitment to backward compatibility over the years given how much change it has undergone.