Should I buy a surface book to develop in meteor?

If you want to use windows, just use WebStorm for your IDE. All of a sudden, all the annoyances/inefficiencies of running Meteor on windows are gone, and you can focus 100% on development (and it works fine). Our work PC’s are windows, and even on the older/slower ones, Meteor/WebStorm with our full large project run at least 100% faster than Visual Studio on a brand new project.

Get a Dell XPS 15 and put Linux on it. You can then run VMware workstation and run Windows and OSx as VMs.


ConEmu -
First you hate when you swap Mac to Windows is terminal. Windows.Teminal.Sucks.
That thing replaces regular one with much better one. Even better than standart Mac terminal…

Linux superpower are things like apt-get, and various handy pre-installs like SSH.
On Windows you have to setup everything your own. And not always successful…

Meteor likes to install itself into weird hidden user folders.
You just cannot(could not? idk for now) install it into different directory or HDD without overhead.

So far, regardless of what many ppl here say.
I had no troubles with any of 3 Windows computers I used to work with.

I’ve bought a Dell Chromebook 13 (8GB ram, 32GB SSD - replaced SSD) Could not be more happy. Put Chromium OS on it, runs really quick. No privacy-issues like with Win 10, no M$ tax, no strange keyboard shortcuts like OS X :slight_smile:

Having used all three ( MS, Linux, Mac), I now exclusively work in Linux ( Ubuntu ).

For me, the main advantage is having the same workstation OS for dev as my production servers ( Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04).

No issues in installing and using node, npm packages, …

And for testing, I fire up a Win7, Win10 or Mac in Virtualbox.

The vast majority of the web development world (and Meteor world) uses Macs. That’s not to say you can’t be productive without it, but you’re really setting up yourself for a lot of unnecessary pain.

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Windows 10 has Ubuntu bash included now (yay linux super-power!).

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hmm, you can run Meteor on ChromeOS?

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No; Chromium is a really smooth linux distro for chromebooks. That’s what I installed on it, and now it is just a full-blown linux-laptop.
I’m not to much of a OS-hacker (as in: totally not) but installation was really easy. I am very happy with it!

I got a surface book recently and windows 10 + the linux subsystem is awesome. Just follow this guide to get it up and running:

I’ve since decided to port my app away from meteor but have been doing development in node/express/react without any issues using bash in windows 10. I imagine meteor would be the same as long as you’re using the linux installer.


You do NOT need a Mac to develop in Meteor. I’m a Libertarian on this, like most other things, if you want someone who has considered the nuance, it’s me. I think if you really like that laptop, then get it, it’ll work just fine.

I develop on Mac at work, my gaming rig, Windows 10 at home (I have both native and the new Ubuntu libs all working great with Meteor 1.4.x), and we deploy on Centos on AWS. I am lead dev for Inrix Analytics UI, and I am the reason we use Meteor and its ability to be agnostic was a primary variable in that decision. Get whatever hardware you want and think is cool.



I run windows 10 for all of my development lately and have zero issues, in fact I find it more pleasant than OSX a large part of the time.

Pick the OS you want to use and go from there. Meteor runs great on Windows if that’s what you want to use. The only thing you need to worry about is what else are you going to use that computer for and will it satisfy the rest of your needs. Plus with Microsoft and Ubuntu working together who knows what kind of possibilities there will be in the near future.

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I have a surface book and dev meteor on it.

I think what @gothicmage meant by ConEmu was console emulation like Cmder which works dandy.

If you feel like living on the edge you could try bash commands in the powershell as win 10 supports that since March 2016.

I used to use sublime text 2 in windows but have been using visual studio code for the last 6 months. Based on atom IDE but with the intellisense syntax highlighting (think visual studio but with out the bloat). Also runs on BSD and Linux OS’s.

As for the Mac bro’s running on deprecated hardware (the mac’s have only had small incremental spec bumps the last few years) I honestly hope uncle Tim sprinkles some real spec updates and not just faux touch bars because OSx ain’t going to get “touchy” any time soon. Let me know how dev’ing Meteor on an iPad Pro goes …


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I have a surface book and all is totally smooth, bash is here (but not really functional for Meteor for now), stylus to make draw prototype is great.
Apart that surface book has features as detachable tablet (light battery, not for main usage but very light and great) that I use to watch videos, and for high-end models a dGpu for games. This is not dev related but if you buy such a wonderful PC you will probably use these special features (only windows 10 hybrid with dedicated gpu for instance).
When meteor will make Meteor working on windows subsystem on linux Surface book will be the best way of dev, for now it’s, for me, the best PC of the world for what I want.

Meteor already works fine on the Linux subsystem.

Not for me I tried again today in any way

Weird, I’ve use Meteor in linux environment for more than a year now.

I ended up buying a macbook pro, tried to get used to windows again and it’s just not for me :pensive:

I was looking for that since a lot of time, I’ll take a look later on. I’ve been searching for dozens of hours since even before the release of the anniversary edition. Even recently I’ve been looking to make WSL works with Meteor

Yes you can, ChromeOS is Linux, and Meteor runs on Linux. :}