ok so I did as you suggested but the result is still the same
here’s my code ` import React from ‘react’;
import {bootstrap} from ‘react-bootstrap’;
import ReactMixin from ‘react-mixin’;
You can solve this by using Higher order component. You can use Kadiras react komposer for that if you do not want to roll your own. It is a better solution IMHO.
I decided to write a little blog post about this only to discover afterwards that it was already covered in this thread. But anyway, for who’s interested:
User Login (create account, login/logout, change password)
Router with Navigation buttons
Some static ‘pages’: Home, Admin and NotFound
A Tasks Page with all the features from the simple-todos-react app from MDG’s tutorial
In next installments I will add more of the functionality of the material ui framework.
The app is up-and-running at meteor.com
See also the tutorial that goes along with this start-app.
I answered a question about ES6 React classes on stack overflow, but another answer byDan Caragea had some good info about things to watch out for when using ES6 syntax, it’s worth a read: http://stackoverflow.com/a/35060571/1879019
Yeah… why bother with getMeteorData when react-komposer is cleaner and works with createClass, classes and even the new functional style. It really is great. Mixins are going away.
Agreed, but this discussion started when there wasn’t a react-composer yet and all we had was the Mixin. A big thank you to Arunoda for bringing us this alternative! But still for people who want a small migration path (still using the Mixin), it at least is possible.