Storybook 8 is out and there is a lot of interesting news. As I’m upgrading to Meteor 3, I’m also upgrading to Storybook 8.
In my setup I use Webpack, but there is also Vite option. So I was wondering is anyone has a nice setup for Storybook 8 that works with Meteor (either 2 or 3) that they could share, so that we might be able to create some sort of a template for everyone. I’m thinking that if Meteor switches to Vite in the future we could more easily integrate with Storybook. Thoughts?
That would be great. The big thing is to be able to add mocks of Meteor packages.
I would also like to see an option where we could in some settings define things like users so that we could switch between different types of users in Storybook, but that is above the minimum we need now.
Right now I’m trying to re-install Storybook 8 with Vite as the build tool in future preparations for potentially switching to Vite. Sadly I’m getting the following error: Unhandled promise rejection: Error: EMFILE: too many open files
Not the same problem, but I have trouble running mongo from Homebrew with a similar error message. Things like the number of files in node_modules being watched can be a problem. It might be an idea to try and limit the directories being watched
Tried to go back to webpack and same issue.
Found this issue in Storybook:
But I don’t think that is the root issue. @mikkelking any ideas how we limit this. From the logs I’m getting I even get the feeling that it is trying to watch my entire hard drive.